Shell large, with 7-8 convex whorls. Approximately four conspicuous varixes per whorl, armed with very strong spines. Space between varixes with a sculpture of irregular rather flat spiral cords. Aperture ovate, continued anteriorly by a very long, nearly closed siphonal canal, over which the varixes and their spines are continued in a comb-like pattern.
color :
creamy white with cords marked by brownish blotches, and interspaces between cords darker; aperture white with darker blotches in the crenulations.
common size :
commonly 80 mm (max. 115 mm).
This species has more spines on the canal than the native Bolinus brandaris (L., 1758) which has only 2-3 rows. There are many look-alike species in the Indo-Pacific, none of them having been reported so far in the Mediterranean (see Ponder and Vokes, 1988).
This species has a paucispiral protoconch indicating a lecithotrophic development, contrary to the related M. tribulus which has planktotrophic larvae and is widespread in the Indo-Pacific, but not sympatric with M. tribulus.
habitat :
on subtidal soft bottoms.