Shell thin, compressed, equivalve, inequilateral, umbones noticeably towards the posterior third. Outline subovate longer than high; anterior margin rounded; posterior margin narrowed, oblique, appearing somehow rostrate but slightly truncated. Sculpture of concentric lines giving a smooth and shining appearence. Ligament external. Hinge with rv anterior lateral almost fused to anterior cardinal.
color :
externally pink to rose red; may have pale rose red radial rays.
common size :
shell to 18 mm.
Similar to T. donacina Linnaeus, 1758 and T. compressa Brocchi, 1814. The posterior margin which is expanded obliquely and subtruncate and the well formed anterior lateral in rv are diagnostic features.
Tellinidae are known to be susceptible to low winter temperatures.
habitat :
in muddy sand, intertidal and offshore; in sheltered lagoonal conditions in the Red Sea (Oliver, 1992). In Bardawil lagoon at 0.5-1 m depth.