Shell small, equivalve, almost equilateral. Outline ovate-subovate with beaks towards the front. Sculpture of many radial ribs (over 30) and a few concentric ridges (about four) which are thin and low in the anterior part and become more evident to the posterior part. Margin crenulated.
color :
cream with brown to maroon blotches.
common size :
8 mm. Mediterranean findings have been juveniles (0.7-1.2 mm) or young (2.3 mm long) specimens.
Similar to the Mediterranean Timoclea ovata from which it differs in size (T. ovata is larger) and sculpture (concentric lines in T. ovata, ridges in T. roemeriana). Close resemblance to Timoclea fasciana, a Persian Gulf species from which it can be distinguished by its more round profile, a lower number of concentric ribs (13 in T. fasciana, four in T. roemeriana) and larger number of ribs.
Infaunal siphonate animals with a suspension feeding mode, which live unattached and have an active motion (Todd, 2002).
habitat :
sand, shallow water (Oliver, 1992). The Mediterranean records were in shell detritus at 15-25 m depth but at depths 75-100 m in the Suez (Barash and Danin, 1973).