E. Darilmaz and F. Kucuksezgin*
Institute of Marine Sciences and Technology, Inciralti, 35340-Izmir, Turkey - *filiz.ksezgin@deu.edu.tr
Hydrocarbons were studied in sediments collected from the bay. Total hydrocarbon concentrations ranged from 762-8502 while total
aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons varied between 448-4427 and 223-6461 ngg
, respectively. High levels of aliphatics were observed
in the inner bay due to domestic and industrial activities. Molecular indices were used to indicate the most probable source of
contamination. Pri/Phy ratios of all stations were found >1 indicating the biogenic sources. All samples are characterized
Phenanthrene/Anthracene ratio values <10 and most of samples are grouped by Fluoranthene/Pyrene ratios >1, which is characteristic of
strong pyrolytic input.
Key words: sediment, aliphatic hydrocarbon, aromatic hydrocarbon, Izmir Bay
Rapp. Comm. int. Mer Médit., 37,2004
Izmir Bay is one of the great natural bays of the Mediterranean.
Industrial activities cover a large range of industries including food
processing, tanneries, paint, chemicals, textile and petroleum refining.
A large number of studies have been carried out on the physical,
chemical and biological oceanography of Izmir Bay, but no published
data are available on petroleum hydrocarbon concentrations. Aksuet
al.(1) have only investigated congeners of polycyclic aromatic
hydrocarbon (PAH) in surface sediments from the inner bay. This is
the first time that the complete set of such data has been collected and
evaluated in the bay.
Materials and methods
Surface sediments were collected at 16 locations in November
2000. Samples were collected using with a Van-Veen grab sampler and
extracted in a soxhlet apparatus, using n-hexane and dichlorometane,
according to UNEP (2). Extracts were separated into two fractions,
using a column chromatography on silica and alumina. The first group
has saturated aliphatic, the second group has unsaturated and aromatic
hydrocarbons. High-resolution gas chromatography was conducted on
a CHROMPACK gas chromatograph, equipped with a split/splitless
capillary injection system, ?ame ionization detector. The detection
limits range between 0.15-2.9 (ng g
Results and discussion
Aromatic Petroleum Hydrocarbons
The relatively high concentrations observed for the inner bay and
the port is linked to the greater industrialisation and urbanisation at
this part compared to the other sites (Table 1). In contrast, PAH
concentrations in most of the sediments in the outer bay are low, and
are typical of locations distant from extensive anthropogenic
activities. Anthracene and indeno[1,2,3-c,d] pyrene are measured at
all stations while naphthalene and benzo[g,h,i]perylene are only
found in the middle bay. Total PAH ranges from 223-646 ngg
dry wt.
and concentrations in the bay are comparable to relatively unpolluted
locations in the Mediterranean and are lower than levels reported for
polluted NW Mediterranean (3). The fingerprints of PAHs from
pyrolytic or petrogenic origin may be used to differentiate these two
origins by using molecular indices based on ratios of selected PAHs.
Equivalent values for the phenanthrene/anthracene(Phe/Ant),
?uoranthene/pyrene(Flt/Pyr) are presented in Table 1. All samples are
characterized Phe/Ant ratio values <10 and most of samples are
grouped by Flt/Pyr ratios >1, which is characteristic of strong
pyrolytic input. Low values indicate petrogenic origin of the
compounds. It is mainly linked to the shipping activity. The various
possible PAH sources were estimated by calculating correlation
coefficients between total and individual PAHs. All coefficients were
generally found to be high (R
= 0.70-0.90). These high correlation
levels for most PAHs indicate that sediment contamination was
produced by the same sources and the fate of these contaminants was
Aliphatic Petroleum Hydrocarbons
n-C14, n-C17 ranged between 0.12-829, 33-414 ngg
in the study
area, respectively. C14-C18 was found throughout study area in which
C18 (196-1068 ngg
) was the most abundant. High levels of
aliphatics were observed in the inner bay due to anthropogenic
sources. It is suggested that the presents of aliphatics due not only to
anthropogenic activity but also result of marine phytoplankton and
terrestrial vegetation (4). This is indicated by the presence of phytane
and pristane at all stations. Pristane and phytane are often considered
as good indicators of petroleum contamination. Pri/Phy ratios were >1
indicating the biogenic source in the bay. Increased ratios are also
found at the estuary of Gediz River. The Pri/Phy ratio was low in the
inner bay, indicating low contribution from biogenic hydrocarbons.
Total aliphatic hydrocarbons ranged from 448-4427 ngg
. Total
aliphatic hydrocarbon concentrations were higher than Eastern
Mediterranean by Gogou et al.(5), similar in coastline-Black Sea by
Readman et al.(6). Total extractable organic matter (EOM) ranged
between 1-6.9 mgg
in the outer bay, 1.7-11 mgg
in the middle-
inner bays, 84 mgg
in the harbor. The linear regressions between
total PAHs, aliphatic, hydrocarbon and the % of organic matter show
significant correlation coefficients.
Table 1. The concentration of total aliphatic (T.Ali), total aromatic
(T.Aro), total hydrocarbons (T.Hc), organic matter, extractable organic
matter (EOM) and selected ratios
Two main source of PAHs in Izmir Bay sediments studied here have
been found; pyrolytic and petrogenic, but the pyrolytic one is
predominant. An important change in the sediments characterization
can be observed according to the industrial activities along the Gediz
River estuary. Relative to other urbanized coastal areas worldwide, the
measured total hydrocarbons content of the bay can be considered low
to moderately contaminate.
1-Aksu A. E., Yasar D., and Uslu O., 1998. Assessment of marine
pollution in Izmir Bay: Heavy metal and organic compound concentra-
tions in surfical sediments. Turkish Journal of Engineering and Environ-
mental Science, 22: 387-415.
2-UNEP, 1991. Determinations of petroleum hydrocarbons in sediments.
Reference Methods for Marine Pollution Studies, No:20, 97p.
3-Benlahcen K.T., Chaoui A., Budzinski H., Bellocq J., and Garrigues
P.H., 1997. Distribution and sources of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
in some Mediterranean coastal sediments. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 34:
4-Kennicutt M.C., Schroeder W.W., and Brooks J.M., 1995. Temporal
and spatial variations in sediment characteristics on the Mississippi-
Alabama continental shelf. Continental Shelf Research, 15: 1–18.
5-Gogou A., Bouloubassi I., and Stephanou E.G., 2000. Marine organic
geochemistry of the Eastern Mediterranean: 1. Aliphatic and polyaromatic
hydrocarbons in Cretan Sea surficial sediments. Marine Chemistry, 68:
6-Readman J.W., Fillman G., Tolosa I., Bartocci J., Villeneuve J.P.,
Catinni C., and Mee L.D., 2002. Petroleum and PAH contamination of the
Black Sea, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 44: 48-62.