Institut de la Mer de Villefranche (IMEV) CNRS - Sorbonne Université
Type of Research Institution
| | Intergovernmental | | | Academic | |  | Governmental, national | | | Private | | | Governmental, local | | | Charity / Foundation |
Address : Port de la Darse 181 Chemin du Lazaret 06230 Villefranche Sur Mer
Phone :
+33 4 93 76 39 06
Director :
Prof Elisabeth Christians
Contact person :
Administrative assistant
Number of permanent staff
| | Scientists (with doctorate/ PhD) : 101 | | | others : 65 |
Type of Activities
|  | Pure research | |  | Academic | |  | Applied research | |  | Education / Outreach | | | Long-term monitoring | | | Policy / Planning / Consultancy | | | Technology for environmental applications | | | Conservation & Protection |
Main fields of research (at present - 6 max)
ocean observing systems, biogeochemical cycle, plankton ecology, evolutionnary and developmental biology, acidification, genomics |
Main research collaborations at international level (at present)
Ongoing long-term monitoring programs
* National ocean obseration services: SOMLITNouvelle fenĂȘtre (Service d'Observation en Milieu LITtoral), MOOSE (Mediterranean Ocean Observing System for the Environment); Argo FRANCE; internal observation services: radeHydro; radeZoo; National Biological resouurces services: EMBRC (European marine Biological ressources center) |
Total area dedicated to research (m2)
Conference room
| no |  | yes (number of seats : 70 ) |
Research vessel(s)
 | less than 12 m in length; number of vessels : 1 | | more than 12 m in length; number of vessels : 0 | | Brief description of vessels and on board scientific equipment : 'Sagitta' (8.5 m long, one seaman), serving local hydrochemical and plankton research near Villefranche ;
'Velelle' (7 m long, one seaman), serving local hydrochemical and plankton research, scuba diving, and providing living marine organisms for research and teaching |
Other major research facilities and equipment
* standard instruments for physical and chemical oceanography ;buoys (EOL3, Boussole); hydrology equipments and plankton samplers ; sediment samplers ; high resolution seismic equipment, OBS ; specific instruments for measuring optic properties of sea water ; SHET (continuous chemical and physical data fish recorder) ; Argo floats; laboratory facilities : electron microscopy service, confocal microscopy, light microscopy and microsocpy facilities (MICA) ; laboratories for : isotopes, molecular biology, electrophysiology, biochemistry, trace metal analysis, water and particle ; constant temperature rooms, aquarium and culture room ; scuba diving : divers (collect of Echinodermes, Arbacia lixula, Paracentrotus lividus, Marthasterias glacialis. Ascidies, Phallusia mammillata, Halocynthia papillosa, Ciona intestinalis. Cnidaires, Anemonia sulcata. Macroplancto, fishes), compressor, cylinders, regulators ; computer network ; EMBRC (European marine Biological ressources center) |
Ecosystem types available nearby
 | Direct access to sea | | No direct access to brackish / estuarine waters |
Areas of taxonomic expertise
marine protozoa, ctenarian & cnidarian, echinoderms (larval population), euphausiids, pelagic molluscs, chaetognaths, thaliaces, appendicularian |
Specimen collections
 | yes | | no | | Brief description : 2 MCCV (cultured microalgae) collection and plankton collection centre |
Hosting facilities for visiting scientists
 | yes | | no |
Training courses
 | yes | | no | | in marine biology, oceanography, marine geology, numerical ecology, developmental biology (Bachelor and master degrees, summer schools, Sorbonne University) |
Capacity and brief description of library
7300 books, 300 research periodicals in the field of marine sciences |
Last update : 24/02/2020