
Paper submissions are now closed. You can still register to attend the Congress.

Congress presentation

Your contribution to the Congress will be expressed in three ways:

  • Your paper, to be published in the online Congress volume.
  • Your ‘flash’ communication – 4 or 5 PPT slides, 5 minutes maximum – to be presented in one of the several Scientific Committee afternoon sessions. (NB: your PPT presentation must be uploaded on our online interface no later than September 10 by logging into your CIESM account).
  • Your poster (A0, portrait format mandatory, printed and brought on-site by yourself), to be presented the following morning of your presentation. 

See more detailed instructions here.

Submission rules

  • You may submit (and present) only one paper and co-author up to three other papers.
  • A paper will be considered only if it contains original work not published elsewhere and directly relates to one of the Congress Sessions
  • Each article can have a maximum number of five authors (no changes in authorship will be possible once the paper is submitted). In collective papers, the additional authors can be cited in the text.


English or French is accepted for both the paper and its presentation (oral and poster).


As you will note from Congress Sessions , our published congress papers are not just an abstract but a ‘mini-paper’, i.e. a one page article including the abstract, keywords, main (preferably illustrated) text and references. The final processing in two columns format as well as the font style and size will be formatted automatically by our online submission interface. You are encouraged to adjust, rewrite, preview your draft on the interface before final submission.

Review process and publication

Each paper submitted will be reviewed by the Chair of the Scientific Committee relevant to the paper topic. All papers accepted and presented at the Congress will be published in the online volume of the 43rd CIESM Congress Proceedings.

N.B. A “no show” will lead to automatic withdrawal of the paper from our official Congress Proceedings volume