Bibliographic References – Audouin's gull

Afán I., Aranda Y., Gómez T., de Rivas D. O., Forero M. G. 2010. Nueva colonia de gaviota de Audouin: Situada en las islas de Alhucemas. Quercus (290): 22-27.

Bécares J., Arcos J.M., Oro D. 2016. Migración y ecología espacial de la gaviota de Audouin en el Mediterráneo occidental y noroeste africano. Monografía n.º 1 del programa Migra. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid.

Bazin N., Imbert M., 2012. Mediterranean Shag Phalacrocorax aristotelis desmarestii Updated state of knowledge and conservation of the nesting populations of the Mediterranean Small Islands. Initiative PIM. 19p.

Bianchi N., Baccetti N., Leonzio C., Giovacchini P. & Ancora S. 2018. Temporal and geographical variations of mercury and selenium in eggs of Larus michahellis and Larus audouinii from central Mediterranean islands. Chemistry and Ecology, 34(7), 595-609.

BirdLife Cyprus. Monitoring Audouin's Gull in Cyprus [, accessed 22 December 2020].

BirdLife International. 2020. Species factsheet: Larus audouinii. Downloaded from on 23/12/2020.

Borg J, Sanz-Aguilar A., Cadiou B., Durand J.P., Ouni R. Thévenet M., 2013. Mission naturaliste, Archipel de Zembra, suivi des populations d’oiseaux marins. Initiative PIM. 33p.

Cadiou B. et coordinateurs. 2014. Cinquième recensement national des oiseaux marins nicheurs en France métropolitaine : bilan final 2009-2012. Rapport Gisom & AAMP, Brest, 75p.

Christel I., Navarro J., del Castillo M., Cama A., Ferrer X. 2012. Foraging movements of Audouin’s gull (Larus audouinii) in the Ebro Delta, NW Mediterranean: A preliminary satellite tracking study. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science 96: 257-261.

Fric J., Portolou D., Manolopoulos A., & Kastritis T. 2012a. Important areas for seabirds in Greece. Athens: Hellenic Ornithological Society (HOS BirldLife Greece).

Fric J., Mullin V. S., Evangelidis A., Gaganis K., Portolou D., Kastritis T. 2012b. POSTER: Foraging distribution and behaviour of the Audouin’s Gull (Larus audouinii) in the Aegean Sea.

Garcia Tarrasson M., Bécares J., Bateman S., Arcos J. M., Jover L., Sanpera C. 2015. Sex?specific foraging behavior in response to fishing activities in a threatened seabird. Ecology and evolution 5(12): 2348-2358.

Ientile R., Linares A., Brogna F. 2016. First breeding colony of Audouin’s Gull Larus audouinii in Sicily, characteristics and its origin. Avocetta, 40, 71-76.

Jiménez J., Sarzo B., Pérez I., Mínguez E., Martínez-Abraín A. 2009. Conservación de aves marinas mediterráneas. Plan de Acción para la Comunitat Valenciana. Consellería de Medio Ambiente, Agua, Urbanismo y Vivienda. Generalitat Valenciana. Valencia.

Jurinovic L., Zec M., Mazal V. D., Kralj, J. 2019. Explorative GPS-Tracking of Foraging Movements by Audouin's Gulls Reveals No Association with Fishing Vessels in Croatia. Ardea 107(2): 213-221.

Lambertini M. 1996. International action plan for Audouin’s Gull (Larus audouinii). Globally Threatened Birds in Europe, 289-301.

Mendes R. F., Ramos J. A., Paiva V. H., Calado J. G., Matos D. M., Ceia F. R. 2018. Foraging strategies of a generalist seabird species, the yellow-legged gull, from GPS tracking and stable isotope analyses. Marine Biology 165(10): 1-14.

Onmus O., Gönülal O. 2019. A newly identified breeding site in the Aegean Sea and a status update for Audouin’s Gull Larus audouinii in Turkey (Aves: Laridae). Zoology in the Middle East 65(2): 186-188.

Oro D. 2003. Managing seabird metapopulations in the Mediterranean: constraints and challenges. Scientia Marina, 67(S2), 13-22.

Ouni R., Bonnaud E., Zaghdoudi H., Huiji W., Durand J.P., Gillet P., Bastélica F., Bourgeois K., Zarrouk A., Thévenet M. 2014. Note naturaliste, suivi de l’avifaune marine, recensement des chiroptères et étude des espèces invasives de l’archipel de Zembra, Tunisie. Initiative PIM. 37p.

de Pablo Pons F. 2019. Censo de la población reproductora de gaviota de Audouin. (Larus audouinii) en la Reserva de Biosfera de Menorca. Año 2019.

Pérez I, Mínguez E., Sarzo B., Villuendas E., Martínez A., Oro D., Carda J., Jiménez J. 2009. Lessons from the management of Audouin’s Gull Larus audouinii in Eastern Spain (1999-2008): recommended guidelines. Consellería de Medio Ambiente, Agua, Urbanismo y Vivienda. Generalitat Valenciana. Valencia.

Recorbet B. 2020. Bilan de la Reproduction du Goéland d’Audouin (Ichthyaetus audouinii) sur la jetée de la base marine d’Aspretto à Ajaccio (Corse du sud), ZPS FR941200, DREAL/OFB (ex.ONCFS)/ Marine Nationale.

Samraoui F., Alfarhan A. H., Al-Rasheid K. A., Samraoui B. 2011. An appraisal of the status and distribution of waterbirds of Algeria: indicators of global changes?. Ardeola, 58(1), 137-163.

Tutiš V., Kralj J., Radovi? D., ?ikovi? D. i Bariši? S. 2013. Crvena knjiga ptica Republike Hrvatske [Red Data Book of Bids of Croatia]. Ministarstvo zaštite okoliša i prirode, Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb (in Croatian, with English summary).