Bibliographic References – Scopoli’s shearwater

Afán I., Navarro J., Cardador L., Ramírez F., Kato A., Rodríguez B., Ropert-Coudert Y., Forero M. G. 2014. Foraging movements and habitat niche of two closely related seabirds breeding in sympatry. Marine biology 161(3): 657-668.

Afán I., Navarro J., Grémillet D., Coll M., Forero M. G. 2019. Maiden voyage into death: are fisheries affecting seabird juvenile survival during the first days at sea?. Royal Society open science 6(1): 181151.

Anselme L. & Durand J.P. 2012. The Cory’s Shearwater Calonectris diomedea diomedea, Updated state of knowledge and conservation of the nesting populations of the small Mediterranean islands. Initiative PIM. 23p.

Arcos JM, Bécares J, Rodriguez B, Ruiz A. 2009. Areas Importantes para la Conservacion de las Aves Marinas en Espana. LIFE04-NAT/ES/000049–Sociedad Espanola de Ornitolog?a (SEO/BirdLife), Madrid.

Baccetti, N., Capizzi, D., Corbi, F., Massa, B., Nissardi, S., Spano, G., & Sposimo, P. 2009. Breeding shearwaters on Italian islands: population size, island selection and co-existence with their main alien predator, the black rat. Riv. Ital. Orn, 78, 83-100.

Bourgeois K, Vidal E. 2009. Suivi des populations de puffins des Iles d’Hyères. Bilan 2003–2009 et notes méthodologiques. Report for the Port-Cros National Park. IMBE, Marseille.

Budinski I, Culina A, Mikulic K, Jurinovic L (2010) Izrada akcijskog plana zas?titeptica iz porodice zovoja (Procellaridae) u Hrvatskoj; Izvjes?taj za 2010. Udruga za biolos?ka istraz?ivanja (BIOM), Zagreb.

Cadiou B et coordinateurs. 2013. Cinquième recensement national des oiseaux marins nicheurs en France métropolitaine 2009–2012, 2nd synthèse: bilan provisoire 2009–2012.Groupement d’Intérêt Scientifique Oiseaux Marins, Agence des aires marines protégées (AAMP), Brest.

Courbin N., Besnard A., Péron C., Saraux C., Fort J., Perret S., Tornos J., Grémillet D., Ran N. 2018. Short?term prey field lability constrains individual specialisation in resource selection and foraging site fidelity in a marine predator. Ecology letters 21(7): 1043-1054.

Dell'Ariccia G., Dell'Omo G., Massa B., Bonadonna F. 2010. First GPS-tracking of Cory's shearwater in the Mediterranean Sea. Italian Journal of Zoology 77(3): 339-346.

Faggio, G. 2014. Suivi des populations d’oiseaux marins. CEN Corse, 11p.

Grémillet D., Péron C., Pons J. B., Ouni R., Authier M., Thévenet M., Fort J. 2014. Irreplaceable area extends marine conservation hotspot off Tunisia: insights from GPS-tracking Scopoli’s shearwaters from the largest seabird colony in the Mediterranean. Marine biology 161(11): 2669-2680.

Isenmann P, Moali A. 2000. The birds of Algeria-Les oiseaux d’Algérie. Société d’Etudes Ornithologiques de France, Muséum national d’histoire naturelle, Paris.

Karris G. 2011. Migratory behaviour of Cory's Shearwaters, Calonectris diomedea, from an Ionian Sea colony: An application of miniature geolocation technology. Dynamics and Management of the Mediterranean Marine Environment 12: 221–236.

Karris G. 2014. The breeding ecology of Scopoli’s shearwater (Calonectris diomedea) on Strofades Islands. PhD dissertation, University of Patras.

Karris, G., Xirouchakis, S., Grivas, C., Voulgaris, M. D., Sfenthourakis, S., & Giokas, S. 2017. Estimating the population size of Scopoli's Shearwaters (Calonectris diomedea) frequenting the Strofades islands (Ionian Sea, western Greece) by raft counts and surveys of breeding pairs. North-Western Journal of Zoology: 13(1).

Karris G., Xirouchakis S., Maina I., Grivas K., Kavadas S. 2018. Home range and foraging habitat preference of Scopoli's shearwater Calonectris diomedea during the early chick-rearing phase in the eastern Mediterranean. Wildlife Biology 2018(1).

Mante A, Vidal P, Peyre O. 2007. Observations naturalistes sur les Iles Habibas. Report for PIM Initiative, Aix-en-Provence.

Müller M. S., Massa B., Phillips R. A., Dell'Omo G. 2014. Individual consistency and sex differences in migration strategies of Scopoli's shearwaters Calonectris diomedea despite year differences. Current Zoology 60: 631–641.

Oliveira G., Nunes G.T., Marques F.P., Bugoni L. 2019. Scopoli’s shearwater, Calonectris diomedea, in the southwest Atlantic Ocean. Mar Biodiv 49: 531–537.

Perfetti A, Sposimo P, Baccetti N. 2001. Il controllo dei ratti per la conservazione degli uccelli marini nidi? canti nelle isole italiane e mediterranee. Avocetta 25:126.

Péron C., Grémillet D. 2013. Tracking through life stages: adult, immature and juvenile autumn migration in a long-lived seabird. PloS one 8(8): e72713.

Raine A., Borg J. J., Raine H. 2011. First description of post?fledging migration of Maltese Cory's Shearwaters Calonectris diomedea diomedea. Ringing and Migration 26: 114–117.

Ramos R. 2019. Crossing the Pillars of Hercules: Understanding transoceanic migrations of seabirds throughout their breeding range. Ecology and evolution 9(8): 4760-4771.

du Rau P.D., Bourgeois K., Thévenet M., Ruffino L., Dromzée S., Ouni R., Abiadh A., Este R., Durand J.P., Anselme L., Faggio G., Yahya J.M., Rguibi H., Renda M., Miladi B., Hamrouni H., Alilech S., Nefla A., Jaouadi W., Agrebi S., Renou S. 2015. Reassessment of the size of the Scopoli’s Shearwater population at its main breeding site resulted in a tenfold increase: implications for the species conservation. J. Ornithol. 156(4): 877-892.

Reyes-González J. M., Zajková Z., Morera-Pujol V., De Felipe F., Militão, T., Dell’Ariccia G., Ramos R., Igual J. M., Arcos J. M, González-Solís J. 2017. Migración y ecología espacial de las poblaciones españolas de pardela cenicienta. Monografía n.º 3 del programa Migra. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid.

Ristow D., Berthold P., Hashmi D., Querner U. 2000. Satellite tracking of Cory's shearwater migration. Condor 102: 696–699.

Samraoui F., Alfarhan A. H., Al-Rasheid K. A., Samraoui B. 2011. An appraisal of the status and distribution of waterbirds of Algeria: indicators of global changes?. Ardeola, 58(1), 137-163.

Sultana J, Borg JJ, Gauci C, Falzon V. 2011. The breeding birds of Malta. BirdLife Malta/BirdLife Publication, Malta.

Taibi A, Ghermaoui M, Oubaziz B. 2014. First study of the reproduction of Cory’s shearwater Calonectris diomedea (Procellariidae, Aves) at the Rachgoun Island (Beni Saf, Algeria). Adv Environ Biol 8:15–20.

Tranchant Y, Vidal P. 2006. Observations ornithologiques sur l’Archipel de la Galite. Report for PIM Initiative, Aix-en-Provence.