Bibliographic references - Yelkouan shearwater

Aplington G. J., Fozzi A., Pisu D., Puddinu L. 2000. The cliff-nesting birds (non passeriformes) of the Capo Caccia peninsula, Sardinia, Italy: status and proposed conservation measures. Pp : 229. In : Monitoring and conservation of birds, mammals and sea turtles of the Mediterranean and Black Seas: proceedings of the 5th Medmaravis Symposium, Gozo, Malta, 29 September-3 October 1998. Environment Protection Department.

Baccetti N., Capizzi D., Corbi F., Massa B., Nissardi S., Spano G., Sposimo P. 2009. Breeding shearwaters on Italian islands: population size, island selection and co-existence with their main alien predator, the black rat. Rivista Italiana di Ornitologia, 78: 83-100.

BirdLife International. 2004. Birds in Europe: Population Estimates, Trends and Conservation Status. BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series n°12), Cambridge, UK.

BirdLife International. 2005. BirdLife’s Online World Bird Database: the Site for Bird Conservation. Version 2.0. [, accessed 30 May 2006].

BirdLife International. 2018. Species factsheet: Puffinus yelkouan. Downloaded from on 07/08/2018.

Borg J.J., Sultana J. 2002. Status and distribution of the breeding Procellariiformes in Malta. Il-Merill, 30: 10-15.

Borg J. J., Raine H., Raine A., Barbara N. 2010. Protecting Malta’s wind chaser: the EU LIFE Yelkouan Shearwater project report. BirdLife Malta, Malta.

Bourgeois K., Vidal E. 2008. The endemic Mediterranean Yelkouan shearwater Puffinus yelkouan: distribution, threats and a plea for new data. Oryx, 42: 187-194.

Bourgeois K. 2012. Etat des connaissances et de conservation actualisé des populations nicheuses des petites îles Méditerranée. Initiative PIM, 22p.

Bourgeois K., Ouni R., Pascal M., Dromzée S., Fourcy D., Abiadh A. 2013. Dramatic increase in the Zembretta Yelkouan shearwater breeding population following ship rat eradication spurs interest in managing a 1500-year old invasion. Biological Invasions, 15(3) : 475-482.

Cadiou B. 2011. Cinquième recensement national des oiseaux marins nicheurs en France métropolitaine 2009-2011. 1re synthèse: bilan intermédiaire 2009-2010.

Corso A., Janni O., Larsson H., Gustin M. 2009. Primi dati su una nuova colonia di Berta minore Puffinus yelkouan di rilevanza internazionale. Atti del XV Convegno Italiano di Ornitologia. Alula, 16: 78-80.

Fozzi A., Aplington G., Pisu D. 2000. Indagini Propedeutiche alla Conoscenza della Fauna Selvatica del Parco Nazionale dell’Archipelago di la Maddalena: Rapporto sugli Uccelli Marini Nidificanti. Unpublished report.

Fric J., Portolou D., Manolopoulos A., T. Kastritis. 2012. Important Areas for Seabirds in Greece. LIFE07 NAT/GR/000285 - Hellenic Ornithological Society (HOS / BirdLife Greece), Athens.

Gatt M. C., Lago P., Austad M., Bonnet-Lebrun A. S., Metzger B. J. 2019. Pre-laying movements of Yelkouan Shearwaters (Puffinus yelkouan) in the Central Mediterranean. Journal of Ornithology, 160(3), 625-632.

Isenmann P., Moali A. 2000. Birds of Algeria. Société d’Etudes Ornithologiques de France, Gap, France.

Ledant J.P., Jacob J.P., Jacobs P., Malher F., Ochando B., Roché J. 1981. Mise à jour de l’avifaune algérienne. Le Gerfaut, 7: 295–398.

Ouni R. 2018. Suivi de l’avifaune marine de l’archipel de Zembra et Zembretta (Tunisie), Note naturaliste PIM. 45p.

Péron C., Grémillet D., Prudor A., Pettex E., Saraux C., Soriano-Redondo A., Authier M., Fort J. 2013. Importance of coastal Marine Protected Areas for the conservation of pelagic seabirds: The case of Vulnerable yelkouan shearwaters in the Mediterranean Sea. Biological conservation 168: 210-221.

Raine A. F., Raine H., Borg J. J., Meirinho A. 2011. Post-fledging dispersal of Maltese yelkouan shearwaters Puffinus yelkouan. Ringing & Migration 26(2): 94-100.

Rabouam C., Ribeyre J.P., Seguin J.F., Thibault J.C., Zotier R. 1995. Les oiseaux marins reproducteurs des îles mineures de La Maddalena (Bouches de Bonifacio). Travaux Scientifiques du Parc Naturel Régional et des Réserves Naturelles de Corse 56: 71–81.

Ruffino L., Bourgeois K., Vidal E., Duhem C., Paracuellos M., Escribano F, Sposimo P., Baccetti N. Pascal M, Oro D. 2009. Invasive rats and seabirds after 2,000 years of an unwanted coexistence on Mediterranean islands. Biological invasions, 11(7), 1631-1651.

Tutiš V., Kralj J., Radovi? D., ?ikovi? D., Bariši?, S. 2013. Red data book of birds of Croatia. MENP & SINP, Zagreb.

Zenatello M., Spano G., Zucca C., Navone A., Putzu M., Azara C., Trainito E., Ugo M., Baccetti N. 2012. Movements and ‘moving’ population estimates of Yelkouan Shearwater Puffinus yelkouan at Tavolara, Sardinia. Ecology and Conservation of Mediterranean Seabirds, 39.