Shell small, solid, equivalve, slightly inequilateral. Outline very variable, oval, subtrigonal. Sculpture of weak, dense concentric lines. Hinge strong contracted with short lateral teeth; cardinals of lv not bifid. Ligament internal on a narrow and deep resilium. Pallial sinus very short. Margin smooth.
color :
dirty white.
common size :
shell to 30 mm.
Often confused with A. striata Gmelin, 1791 which is almost equilateral and ovate while A. glabrata is slightly inequilateral and triangular. Since there are many intermediate, transitional forms the two species may be considered as variations of the same species (Satyamurti, 1956).
Poorly known. Lives as a shallow burrower in littoral and sublittoral sands (Oliver, 1992).
habitat :
specimens washed ashore; generally in sands, mainly littoral.