Shell solid, medium sized. Shape oyster-like, very variable, depending on the substratum and biotope with outline irregular, almost circular to oval. Sculpture of strong radial plications. Both valves convex. Inner margins with plications. Two different types. One with sculpture made of 4-8 plications. Second with a prominent ridge in the middle and about 12 plications.
color :
externally white with shades of pink to blue. Internally reflecting the external color and also in tones of green.
common size :
Mediterranean specimens up to 50 mm in length, but usually about 30 x 25 mm. Arabian Sea up to 60 mm.
Similar to Saccostrea cucculata but smaller in size. Both species bear lamellar scales on the outer surface of valves. The diagnostic feature in Saccostrea is the purple-black zone in the periphery of the inner margin.
Epifaunal, suspension feeders, live cemented to rocks/hard substrata. D. frons is often fouled. Its large size and passive mobility probably precludes overgrowth, which can lead to suffocation.
habitat :
attached to rocks, corals or to Spondylus; the second type (as described above) lives in deeper waters.