Shell medium sized, equivalve, almost equilateral, rather compressed with a narrow posterior gape. Outline elongate more than twice as long as high; anterior margin rounded to slightly acute; posterior margin obtuse. Sculpture smooth with concentric lines. Hinge with two cardinal teeth in each valve; no lateral teeth. Ligament external on a raised nymph. Periostracum thin, olivaceous. Internally, crusiform muscle scars and deep pallial sinus.
color :
variable from off white through tinged pink to violet, occasionally with few posterior radial rays.
common size :
Mediterranean record 46 x 19 mm; up to 70 mm in length.
It is distinguished from other Psammobiidae by the uniform sculpture of concentric lines, especially posteriorly, and by the coloration in shades of purple.
Deposit feeders, they burrow deep within the substratum.
habitat :
dredged, depth unknown. The genus is known to inhabit tranquil waters in lagoons and estuaries (Oliver, 1992).