Shell equivalve, equilateral. Outline almost circular. Taxodont hinge with teeth arranged in an arc. Sculpture with radial riblets and weak concentric lines more apparent in juveniles, so that in adults the umbonal area appears cancellate. Inner margin crenulate. Periostracum persistent, with fine bristles.
color :
shell white with periostracum straw colored.
common size :
16 mm up to 30 mm.
The small size, small dorsal area and the ligament which is confined to a small triangular shallow depression under the beaks. The only other species of the genus in Red Sea is a deep water one.
Suspension feeders, epifaunal, sedentary to actively mobile organisms.
habitat :
in sands and fine gravels, in shallow water (Oliver, 1992). In the Mediterranean, one shell dredged to a depth of 48 m, with gravel bottom.