Shell elongated, high spired, tapering, smooth and glossy, with 10 nearly flat whorls. Body whorl rounded. Aperture piriform, with outer lip showing a convex profile when seen from the side, not thickened but with a rounded edge.
color :
translucent with numerous light brown dots, clustering into loose flames on the spire and body whorls; outer lip and columella tinged with light brown. Apical whorls milky white.
common size :
2.5 mm.
This species is distinguished from the native Sticteulima jeffreysiana (Brusina, 1869) by having a much sharper apex, a rounded anterior edge of the aperture (protruding from the profile of the body whorl in jeffreysiana) and pattern of small dots instead of loose brown flames. Most other Eulimids in the area are white, and those that have a color ed shell have a very different pattern.
All Eulimids are obligate parasites on Echinoderms. The host for this particular species is not known but other species of Sticteulima are known to live on Ophiurids (A. Warén, pers. comm.).
habitat :