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I - Executive summary II - Workshop communications
- Topology and dynamics of plankton networks: are pelagic ecosystems robust?
- The effects of physics on the distribution of plankton at various scales.
- Physico-biological coupling and plankton blooms: a modelling approach.
2 - Tunicate outbreaks - Changes in pelagic tunicate abundance and possible ecological consequences.
- Aggregations and outbreaks of appendicularians
- Interannual variations of some species of gelatinous zooplankton (Siphonophora and Thaliacea) in a coastal long-term series in the North-Western Mediterranean
3 - Jellyfish outbreaks
- Jellyfish outbreaks: natural cycle or stress response effect?
- Erratic fluctuations in abundance of medusoid and cnetophores populations in two systems, Ligurian Sea and Benguela ecosystem: some examples.
- Are irregular plankton phenomena getting more frequent in the northern Adriatic Sea?
- Past and present anthropogenic factors promoting the invasion, colonization and dominance by jellyfish of a Spanish coastal lagoon.
4 - Black Sea: Mnemiopsis et al. ... - Impact of the invaders ctenophores Mnemiopsis leidyi and Beroe ovata on the pelagic
food web and biodiversity of the Black Sea.
- The catastrophic invasion of the Black Sea by Mnemiopsis leidyi: is it only doing what
other ctenophores did long ago?
- Opportunistic lifestyles of the gelatinous and abundant: what gives a species "the right stuff"? III - Bibliographic references IV - List of participants |
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