I - Executive summary
1. Introduction
2. Shipping routes and vectors
3. Ecology of invasions
4. Prospective trends
5. Conclusions and recommended actions
II - Workshop communications
Routes of invasions
- Analysis of shipping patterns in the Mediterranean and Black seas.
J.-P. Dobler
- Black Sea - Baltic Sea invasion corridors.
S. Olenin
Ecology of invasions
- Ship-transported virio- and bacterio- plankton.
L.A. Drake
- Phytoplankton introductions in European coastal waters: why are so few invasions
T. Wyatt and J.T. Carlton
- Plankton stowaways in the Black Sea Ð Impacts on biodiversity and ecosystem health.
S.P. Moncheva and L.T. Kamburska
- Assessing scale and impact of ship-transported alien macrophytes in the
Mediterranean Sea.
C.F. Boudouresque and M. Verlaque
- Assessing scale and impact of ship-transported alien fauna in the Mediterranean?
H. Zibrowius
- Susceptibility to invasion: assessing scale and impact of alien biota in the
Northern Adriatic.
A. Occhipinti-Ambrogi
- The Ponto-Caspian region: predicting the identity of potential invaders.
B. Öztürk
- Assessing extent and impact of ship-transported alien species in the Black Sea.
A.E. Kideys
- Propagule supply as a driver of biological invasions.
G.M. Ruiz
- Ship-driven biological invasions in the Mediterranean Sea.
F. Boero
Risk assessment and management
- Options for managing ballast water to reduce marine speciesÕ transfer.
R. Boelens
- Shipping: global changes and management of bioinvasions.
D. Minchin
- Harmful aquatic organisms in shipsÕ ballast water Ð Ballast water risk assessment
S. Raaymakers and R. Hilliard