I - Executive summary
1. Introduction
1.1 The controversy
1.2 The Messinian Salinity Crisis of the Mediterranean area: unravelling the mechanisms of environmental changes
1.3 MSC implications
1.4 MSC and the biology of extreme environments
2. Past research
2.1 Evaporite facies and MSC scenarios
2.2 An astrochronology for the Messinian Salinity Crisis
2.3 Correlation with oxygen isotope records
2.4 Stepwise restriction of the Mediterranean
2.5 Outcrop and offshore perspectives
2.6 Mediterranean hydrologic budget and MSC modelling
2.7 Salt tectonics
2.8 Indirect observations for deep-basin underlying evaporites
2.9 Deep and shallow salt biosphere
3. Discussing a new MSC scenario
3.1 A possible chronology
3.1.1 Step 1: 5.96 – 5.6 Ma - MSC onset and first evaporitic stage
3.1.2 Step 2
- Stage 2.1: 5.6 – 5.55 Ma - MSC acme
- Stage 2.2: 5.55 – 5.33 Ma - Upper Evaporites and Lago Mare event(s)
3.2 MSC in the Paratethys
3.3 The microbial perspective of MSC
4. Open problems
4.1 MSC chronology and shallow to deep-water correlations
4.2 Location, timing and geometry of the Atlantic gateways
4.3 Water depth at the beginning/end of halite deposition
4.4 Eastern vs Western Basin
4.5 Paratethys-Mediterranean connections
4.6 Evaporite facies
4.7 Salt tectonics
4.8. Fluids
4.9 Microbiology
4.10 MSC modelling
5. Strategy and recommendations for future research
II – Workshop communications
- Chronology of the Messinian events and paleogeography of the Mediterranean region s.l.
G. Clauzon, J.P. Suc, S. M. Popescu, M.C. Melinte-Dobrinescu, F. Quillévéré, S.A. Warny, S. Fauquette, R. Armijo, B. Meyer, J.L. Rubino, G. Lericolais, H. Gillet, M.N. Çağatay, G. Ucarkus, G. Escarguel, G. Jouannic and F. Dalesme………………………………………………
- Chronological constraints and consequences for the Messinian Salinity Crisis.
W. Krijgsman , F.J. Hilgen and P.Th. Meijer …………………………………………………
- Astrobiochronology of Late Neogene deposits near the Strait of Gibraltar (SW Spain). Implications for the tectonic control of the Messinian Salinity Crisis.
F.J. Sierro, S. Ledesma and J.A. Flores …………………………………………………
- Messinian in Northwest Turkey: implications for paleogeographic evolution and water mass exchange between Paratethys and Mediterranean.
M.N. Çağatay, J.P. Suc, G. Clauzon and M.C. Melinte-Dobrinescu ………………………………
- Isotopic and modelling constraints on the hydrologic budget of the Mediterranean during the Messinian Salinity Crisis.
R. Flecker …………………………………………………
- New facies interpretation of the Messinian evaporites in the Mediterranean.
S. Lugli , V. Manzi and M. Roveri …………………………………………………
- The shallow- to deep-water record of the Messinian Salinity Crisis: new insights from Sicily , Calabria and Apennine basins.
M. Roveri, S. Lugli , V. Manzi and B.C. Schreiber …………………………
- The Messinian Salinity Crisis in the offshore domain: an overview of our knowledge through seismic profile interpretation and multi-site approach.
J. Lofi, J. Deverchère, V. Gaullier, H. Gillet, C. Gorini, P. Guennoc, L. Loncke, A. Maillard, F. Sage, I. Thinon, A. Capron and E. Obone Zue Obame …………………………………………
- Salt tectonics in the deep Mediterranean : indirect clues for understanding the Messinian Salinity Crisis.
V. Gaullier, L. Loncke, B. Vendeville , J. Déverchère, L. Droz, E.M. Obone Zue Obame and J. Mascle ……………………………………………
- Stratigraphy, fluid dynamics and structural evolution of the Messinian Evaporites in the Levantine Basin , Eastern Mediterranean Sea.
C. Hübscher, M. Beitz, S. Dümmong, S. Gradmann, K. Meier and G.L. Netzeband …………………………………………………
- The Messinian Salinity Crisis in the Nile Delta: chasing shallow marine reservoirs in a deep-water basin.
W. Ottes, P. Lambregts and A. El Barkooky ……………………………………………
- A preliminary assessment of the composition of evaporites underlying the eastern Mediterranean seafloor using pore water.
G.J. De Lange, P.J.M. Van Santvoort, H.J. Brumsack, A. Dählmann and A. Reitz ……………
- Connectivity between ‘ancient’ and ‘modern’ hypersaline environments, and the salinity limits of life.
T.J. McGenity, J.E. Hallsworth and K.N. Timmis …………………………………
- Microbiota of hypersaline environments: Archaea, Bacteria and viruses.
J. Antón, F. Santos, A. Peña and R. Rosselló-Mora ………………………
- Fungi in hypersaline environments – from brine to microbial mats.
N. Gunde – Cimerman, L. Butinar and P. Zalar……………………………………
III - Bibliographic references
IV - List of participants