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Contents: I – Executive Summary ………………………………………………………………… 1. Introduction II – Workshop Communications - Do we expect significant changes in the Thermohaline Circulation in the Mediterranean in relation to the observed surface layers warming? - Are decadal variations of Adriatic thermohaline properties related to the Eastern Mediterranean Transient (EMT)? - The advance of thermophilic fishes in the Mediterranean Sea : overview and methodological questions. - The new CIESM Tropicalization Programme – effects of climate warming on Mediterranean key taxa. - Allochthonous warm water species in the benthic communities and ichthyofauna of the eastern part of the Adriatic Sea. - Possible climate impacts on the northern Adriatic pelagic ecosystem. - Benthic marine algae as reflection of environmental changes in the Northern Adriatic Sea. - Dead zones: a future worst-case scenario for Northern Adriatic biodiversity. - Are climate changes already threatening sessile species (or species with low mobility) in the North-Western Mediterranean Sea? Vulnerability of coastal ecosystems. - Méditerranée : mixité ethnique et coexistence pacifique ? Cas du golfe de Tunis. - Helgoland Roads time series: learning from long-term marine data sets. III – Selected colour plates ………………………………………………………… IV – Bibliographic References ………………………………………………………… V – List of Participants …………………………………………………………………
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