CIESM Workshop Monographs
No. 37 - Economic valuation of natural coastal and marine ecosystems

Bodrum, October 2008
112 pages
Price : € 44.00
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I – Executive Summary …………………………………………………………………

1. Introduction
2. Definition of issue – "Economic valuation of natural coastal and marine ecosystems"
3. Tools and perspectives
          3.1 Values, environmental damage and valuation
          3.2 The challenge of evaluating biodiversity
          3.3 Modeling vs. scenario building
          3.4 Non-linearity and thresholds
          3.5 How to evaluate highly complex systems?
          3.6 The syndrome of the shifting baselines
          3.7 Developing a new common toolkit in a fast-changing world
4. Governance
5. Case studies of Mediterranean ecosystem services valuation
          5.1 Case study 1 – Destructive date mussel fishery on rocky habitats
          5.2 Case study 2 – Mediterranean coastal ecosystems and the prevention of jellyfish outbreaks damages
          5.3 Case study 3 – The non-market value of a charismatic species: application to the Mediterranean monk seal
6. Glossary

II – Workshop Communications

- The economic valuation of marine ecosystems – lessons from the Millenium Ecosystem Assessment.
P.A.L.D. Nunes, H. Ding and A. Markandya…………………………………………………

- Is economic valuation of natural Mediterranean marine ecosystems providing the correct signal for policy makers?
N. Becker…………………………………………………

- The price of change: the economic impacts of alien species and jellyfish outbreaks in the Mediterranean Sea.
B.S. Galil …………………………………………………

- The value of coastal and marine ecosystems in the Mediterranean will depend on how well we manage them.
Y. Henocque…………………………………………………

- Shortcomings and potential advances in valuation of Mediterranean ecosystems.
S. Pavlinovic…………………………………………………

- Price and value, alternatives to biodiversity conservation (in the seas).
F. Boero…………………………………………………

- Valuing coastal and marine ecosystem services.
R.K. Turner, T. Luisetti and D. Hadley…………………………………………………

- Towards sustainable fisheries environment – the case of Egypt vs competitors.
M. Doss…………………………………………………

- Beaches as ecosystems – relationship between their socioeconomic and ecological value.
F. Scapini …………………………………………………

- Barriers to Sustainable Coastal Tourism Development: reflection from Turkey.
C. Tosun …………………………………………………

III– Bibliographic References …………………………………………………………

IV – List of Participants …………………………………………………………………

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