I – Executive Summary …………………………………………………………………
1. Introduction
1.1. Black Sea climate change and hemispherical teleconnection
2. Climate variability (hydrometeorological parameters) and its effect in the Black Sea region
3. Coastal oxygen depletion and hypoxia, oxic zone volume
4. The history of Black Sea biodiversity
4.1 Mediterranization of the Black Sea biota
4.2. The diversity of Black Sea fish fauna
5. Mediterranization barriers and genetic aspects of species introduction and establishment in the Black Sea
5.1. Adaptation to local conditions
5.2. The Turkish straits system as an acclimatization/ adaptation corridor
5.2.1 Physical characteristics of TSS
5.2.2 Persistent geographic barriers of TSS for mediterranization
5.2.3 Temporary geographic barriers of TSS for mediterranization
6. Climate forcing (AMO & NAO) of biodiversity and mediterranization
6.1. Examples from plankton and fish biomass
6.2. Interaction with anthropogenic factors
6.3 Interaction with fisheries
6.3.1 Fishery resources of the Black Sea
6.3.2 Development of fishing industry (1970s-2005/8)
6.3.3 Recent changes in catch composition of native and alien species
7. Climate change projections
8. Research priorities and recommendations
II – Workshop Communications
On the recent decadal changes of the Black Sea nutrient regime and oxic/anoxic boundary position.
E. Yakushev , M. Chelysheva, O. Podymov, V. Velikova, V. Chasovnikov and V. Belokopytov ……………………
Observed long-term changes in the Black Sea physical system and their possible environmental impacts.
Y.P. Ilyin ……………………
Recent trends in fluvial discharge to the Black Sea.
J.D. Milliman, W. Ludwig, A.J. Kettner and K. Xu …………………………………………
Origin and evidence of climate variability on physically-driven changes in the Black Sea.
T. Oguz ……………………
Ongoing “mediterranization” process in the Black Sea.
M. Sezgin and A.E. Kideys ………………
Studying climate change effects on marine ectotherms and ecosystems: physiological concepts for a cause and effect understanding.
H.-O. Pörtner ………………………………
Trend on increasing Mediterranean species arrival into the Black Sea.
T. Shiganova and B. Öztürk …………………………………………………
Estimating the possibility of mediterranization of the marine flora of the Black Sea – a morphofunctional approach.
G.G. Minicheva …………………………
Early signs of mediterranization and climate change in the Black Sea.
D. Micu and V. Todorova …………………………………
Changes features in ichthyofauna in the coastal sea waters of the Crimea in the last decade.
A. Boltachev ……………………
Black Sea fisheries and climate change.
N. Erdogan, E. Duzgunes and H. Ogut …………………………
Economic aspects of climate change adaptation in Black Sea coastal areas.
A. Shivarov …………………………
III– Bibliographic References …………………………………………………………
IV – List of Participants …………………………………………………………………