I – Executive Summary …………………………………………………………………
1. Introduction
2. Submarine canyons: importance, terminology and scale
2.1 Importance
2.2 Terminology and scale
3. Submarine canyons of the Mediterranean, Black and Marmara Seas
3.1 Mediterranean Sea
3.2 Black Sea
3.3 Sea of Marmara
4. Factors controlling I affecting canyon formation
4.1 Long term controlling factors
4.2 Natural and human-induced factors affecting canyon dynamics in historical time
5. Importance of submarine canyons to human societies
5.1 Geo-hazards and mass wasting
5.2 Fishing and living resources
5.3 Trawling damage
5.4 Marine litter and contaminants
6. Why protect marine canyons? And how?
7. Conclusions - main gaps in knowledge and key recommendations
II – Workshop Communications
1. Submarine canyon systems-An overview
- Geomorphology of Mediterranean submarine canyons in a global context - results from a multivariate analysis of canyon geomorphic statistics
Peter T. Harris and Miles Macmillan-Lawler……………………
- "Rock:yH versus "SedimentaryH canyons around the Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea
Jean Mascle, Seoastien Migeon, Marianne Coste, Virginie Hassoun and Pierrick Rouillard……………………
2. Submarine canyons and geohazards
- Canyon comparison as a key to constrain some scientific problem about their geology
Francesco L. Chiocci…………………………………………
- Interaction of large landslides and canyons off NW -Africa
Sebastian Krastel……………………
3. Submarine canyons and anthropic impact
- Changes in sediment accumulation rates within NW Mediterranean submarine canyons caused by bottom trawling activities
Pere Puig, Pere Masque, Jacobo Mart(n, Sarah Paradis, Xenia Juan-Dfaz, Miguel Toro
and Albert Palanques…………………………
- A case study on vulnerable marine ecosystems in Cassidaigne Canyon- New technologies to track anthropogenic impact
Marie-Claire Fabri, Annaelle Bargain, Aurelien Arnaubec, Ivane Pairaud, Laura Pedel
and Ewen Raugel…………………………………
- Development, human impact and habitat distribution in submarine canyons of the Central and Western Mediterranean
Claudio Lo Iacono, Mauro Agate, Attilio Sulli, Matthieu Cartigny, Katleen Robert,
Andrea Gori and Tommaso Russo……………………
- Organic matter transport and deposition in the Whittard Canyon and its possible effects on benthic megafauna
Teresa Amaro and Konstantinos Kiriakoulakis……………………
4. Case studies from East to West
- Submarine canyons of the Black Sea basin with a focus on the Danube Canyon
Irina Popescu, Nicolae Panin, Dan Jipa, Gilles Lericolais and Gabriel Ion…………………………………………
- Submarine canyons of the Sea of Marmara
M. Namik Çağatay, Gülşen Uçarkuş, Kadir K. Eriş, Pierre Henry, Luca Gasperini, Alina Polonia…………………………………………
- Currents and sediment fluxes in canyons and deep outflow channels at the southwest Cretan margin (Eastern Mediterranean)
H. Kontoyiannis, S. Stavrakakis, A. Karageorgis and V. Lykousis…………………………………………
- Interdisciplinary investigation of off-shelf transport in the southern Adriatic Sea: the role of Bari Canyon
Sandro Carniel, Alvise Benetazzo, Ferdinando Boero, Alfredo Boldrin, Francesco M.
Falcieri, Leonardo Langone, Mauro Sclavo, Marco Taviani, Fabio Trincardi and
Davide Bonaldo…………………………………………
- Submarine canyon systems along the Ionian Calabrian margin, Central Mediterranean Sea
Silvia Ceramicola, Marianne Coste, Daniel Praeg, Sebastien Migeon and Massimo
- Submarine canyons and channels of the Tyrrhenian Sea: from geological observations to oceanographic, biological and hazards studies
Fabiano Gamberi…………………………………………
- The long-term evolution of submarine canyons: insights from the NW Mediterranean
D. Amblas, M. Canals and T.P. Gerber…………………………………………
- Submarine canyons and related features in the Alboran Sea: continental margins and majorisolated reliefs
Juan T. Vazquez, Gemma Ercilla, Belen Alonso, Carmen Juan, Jose L. Rueda, Desiree
Palomino, Luis M. Fernandez-Salas, Patricia Barcenas, David Casas, Victor Diaz-del Rio,
Ferran Estrada, Marcelli Farran, Marga Garda, Emilio Gonzalez, Nieves
Lopez-Gonzalez, Bouchta El Moumni, CONTOURIBER, MONTERA AND MOWER
III – Bibliographic References …………………………………………………………
IV – List of Participants …………………………………………………………………