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Contents: I – Executive Summary ………………………………………………………………… Genome Complexity - The Enhanced Infectious Disease Database (EID2) system of species interactions and location
automatic detection and its applications Data Acquisition and Analysis - Sequencing the ocean - Finding Statistically Significant Patterns from Data Genomics of Pathogenic Bacteria - Tracking pathogens in the wild requires a plan - Environmental stress and the control of gene expression in pathogenic bacteria - The management and utility of whole genome sequence data for infectious disease surveillance and
intervention: from hospitals, to fish-farms, to the oceans - New potential NGS-based markers for detection of Vibrionaceae in marine environments Ecological Traits of Pathogenic Bacteria - Investigating the macroecology of emerging Vibrio pathogens in the ocean using the Continuous
Plankton Recorder technology - Diversity and distribution of potential human pathogenic bacteria in the seas: novel insights from
exploration of NGS databases - Next generation sequencing-based approaches to characterize microbial pathogenic community and
their potential relation to the Black Sea ecosystem status III – Bibliographic References ………………………………………………………… IV – List of Participants …………………………………………………………………
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