Station Méditerranéenne de l’Environnement Littoral
Type of Research Institution
 Intergovernmental  Academic
 Governmental, national  Private
 Governmental, local  Charity / Foundation
Address : 2 rue des Chantiers
34200 Sète FRANCE
Phone : +33 4 67 46 33 70
Director : Dr Eric Servat
Contact person :
Sébatien Mas
Number of permanent staff
 Scientists (with doctorate/ PhD) : 1  others : 9
Type of Activities
 Pure research  Academic
 Applied research  Education / Outreach
 Long-term monitoring  Policy / Planning / Consultancy
 Technology for environmental applications  Conservation & Protection
Main fields of research (at present - 6 max)
marine ecology, aquaculture, monitoring of marine ecosystems, impact of global changes on marine ecosystems, marine biotechnology
Main research collaborations at international level (at present)
* Project EU: AQUACOSM-plus (Network of Leading Ecosystem Scale Experimental AQUAtic MesoCOSM Facilities Connecting Rivers, Lakes, Estuaries and Oceans in Europe and beyond)
Ongoing long-term monitoring programs
* National Programs: SOMLIT (Service d'observation en milieu littoral), COAST-HF (Coastal ocean observing system - High frequency), BENTHOBS (Réseau national d'observation du macrozoobenthos) and PHYTOBS (Réseau d'observation du phytoplankton)
Total area dedicated to research (m2)
Conference room
 no yes (number of seats : 80 )
Research vessel(s)
 less than 12 m in length; number of vessels : 2
  more than 12 m in length; number of vessels : 0
Brief description of vessels and on board scientific equipment :
depth sounder, GPS, sampling equipment, CTD profiler
Other major research facilities and equipment
* Experimental platform: MEDIMEER (MEDIterranean platform for Marine Ecosystem Experimental Research), analytic platforms (microbiology, biochemistry), sampling and measurement equipment, pontoon, diving room, divers, dry/wet laboratories, training activities room
Ecosystem types available nearby
 No direct access to sea Direct access to brackish / estuarine waters

Other ecosystems : lagoon and coastal ecosystems
Areas of taxonomic expertise
 phytoplankton, zooplankton
Specimen collections
 yes no
Hosting facilities for visiting scientists
 yes no
Training courses
 yes no
Capacity and brief description of library

Last update : 01/03/2023