The National Institute of Oceanography Israel Oceanographic and Limnological Research
Type of Research Institution
| | Intergovernmental | | | Academic | | | Governmental, national | | | Private | | | Governmental, local | | | Charity / Foundation |
Address : POB 9753 3109701 Haifa
Phone :
+ 972-(0)4 8565201
Director :
Alon Zask Scientific officer: Dr Raz Tamir
Contact person :
Nurit Manor Gazit
Number of permanent staff
| | Scientists (with doctorate/ PhD) : 43 | | | others : 67 |
Type of Activities
| | Pure research | | | Academic | | | Applied research | | | Education / Outreach | | | Long-term monitoring | | | Policy / Planning / Consultancy | | | Technology for environmental applications | | | Conservation & Protection |
Main fields of research (at present - 6 max)
deep ocean studies, comprehensive DNA taxonomy of the Mediterranean fauna, bioproducts and establishing a national algae center, climate change’s impacts on biodiversity and invasive species, tTsunami and sea level rise forecasts, fish breeding
Main research collaborations at international level (at present)
* Several international research collaborations with the EU, China, USA, as well as MOUs with research entities |
Ongoing long-term monitoring programs
* Conducting the Israeli National Monitoring Program of the Mediterranean Sea in accordance to the monitoring components of the Barcelona Convention, including Marine Pollution, Biodiversity, Climate Change and Hydrography *
Strategic Environmental Assessment for the Israeli EEZ in the Mediterranean Sea *
Operating the Israel Marine Data Center as the national repository and dissemination facility for oceanographic data and data products
Total area dedicated to research (m2)
Conference room
| no | | yes (number of seats : 100 ) |
Research vessel(s)
| less than 12 m in length; number of vessels : 4 | | more than 12 m in length; number of vessels : 1 | | Brief description of vessels and on board scientific equipment : “Bat Galim”, national research vessel: Multi-purpose research vessel with broad capabilities, serving the needs of governmental agencies and academia. It has capabilities to map, sample and analyze the water column, sea-floor and sub-bottom from WD of 10-3,000m. Operates world-class ROV and other autonomous equipment as well as an advanced Multibeam System. Also fitted to combat oil spills.
The other 3 vessels are capable of carrying equipment for monitoring, research and diving. |
Other major research facilities and equipment
* High-frequency Sea-level Stations (part of the Mediterranean Tsunami Early Warning System) *
Continuous measurements stations (waves, currents, sea level, temp, salinity, Fluor-Chla, dissolve Oxygen, Turbidity) *
Deep Mooring *
Underwater gliders *
Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler *
Side-scan sonar *
CTD & rosette sampler *
Box corers and Piston corer *
Trawl towing and large sampling *
Laboratories: Chemical, Physical, Sedimentology, Molecular, Biology and Ecology (Microscopy), Algae, Pigments, Coral *
Indoor and Outdoor Mesocosms with running seawater *
Algai Pools *
Hatchery Pools
Ecosystem types available nearby
| Direct access to sea | | Direct access to brackish / estuarine waters | | Other ecosystems : rocky shore ecosystem, sandy beach ecosystem, deep and shallow sea ecosystem |
Areas of taxonomic expertise
micro and macro algae, archaea, bacteria, fish, corals, zooplankton and phytoplankton, arthropods |
Specimen collections
| yes | | no | | Brief description : IOLR is the national monitor of water bodies for the State of Israel. Therefore, the institute is engaged in the collection of specimens from the seabed and water columns on a regular and frequent basis. Specimens include: chemical parameters (e.g., Oxygen, Carbon concentration, Alkalinity, acidity, pH, Ammonium concentration, etc.), physical parameters (e.g., water temperature and density, air pressure, light, and more.), biological specimens (Chlorophyll pigment, Oxygen production and respiration, fish, algae, plankton, viruses, etc.) and geological specimens (e.g., silicon, suspended particulate matter, sediment, etc.). |
Hosting facilities for visiting scientists
| yes | | no |
Training courses
| yes | | no |
Capacity and brief description of library
Last update : 01/02/2023