The Mediterranean Science Commission

Our science
One of our primary missions is understanding the processes and changes that govern the functioning of the Mediterranean Sea and its interaction with growing coastal populations. Small change
CIESM Congresses are pivotal events aiming to advance marine science in the Mediterranean Sea. Explore all the previous Congresses.

Meeting people , doing science
- Workshop
- Congress
- Multiple

“Marine science can not wait any longer to deliver benefits to the entire world (…). I will not miss to use my energy (…) for developing a science that may serve, more than other, as a staff of moral force for the Humanity. Since the surface of the ocean is a link for all people.”
CIESM is governed through a structured framework led by a Board, which includes the National Delegates of 23 Member States and is chaired by the President of CIESM. The organization also features an Advisory Board advising on strategic directions, a Director General responsible for overall operations and scientific coordination, and a Science Council composed of chairs from six scientific committees. These groups work together to steer the Commission’s efforts in monitoring and understanding the Mediterranean Sea’s dynamic environment.