The Mediterranean Science Commission

The Workshop Monographs 51 and 52 have been released!
The Proceedings Volume of the 43rd Congress is available here
CIESM & Society
Ocean, Earth & Atmosphere – Coastal Dynamics
Ocean, Earth & Atmosphere – Geodynamics
Observing the sea
Marine Life
Ocean, Earth & Atmosphere – Hydrodynamics

Our science

One of our primary missions is understanding the processes and changes that govern the functioning of the Mediterranean Sea and its interaction with growing coastal populations. Small change


CIESM Congresses are pivotal events aiming to advance marine science in the Mediterranean Sea. Explore all the previous Congresses.


A compilation of useful and relevant resources for all partners and stakeholders developing their work in the Mediterranean Sea.

Founding Date
Member Countries
Workshop Monographs


The Mediterranean basin, with its 46,000 km of coastline and over 100 million residents, faces a variety of marine geohazards that threaten both human settlements and natural ecosystems….
Marine heatwaves (MHWs) are increasingly recognized as a major climatic and ecological threat, particularly in semi-enclosed seas like the Mediterranean. These extreme events, characterized by prolonged periods of…
CIESM’s role in sustainable marine governance was highlighted during a United Nations-led workshop on the BBNJ Agreement (Conservation and Sustainable Use of Marine Biological Diversity of Areas Beyond…
A comprehensive catalogue of Mediterranean water mass acronyms, developed under the guidance of the CIESM C2 Committee on the Physics and Climate of the Ocean, has now been…
In May 2024, CIESM organized a three-day workshop in Alexandria, Egypt, hosted by NIOF. Shark experts from nine countries gathered to refine the protocol for CIESM’s ‘SHARKnowledge’ initiative…
In February 2024, GPS/GSM transmitters were deployed on Yelkouan Shearwaters in the Istanbul Strait as part of our project aiming to better understand their migration patterns….
First shark tagged and more than one hundred rays observed! Discover our expedition in June 2024 in the northeastern Mediterranean, Turkey….
a whale in the ocean
According to Prof. Frederic Briand, who in his capacity of special Envoy of the Prince of Monaco acted as main negotiator throughout, the battle was especially rude….

Meeting people , doing science

Marine science can not wait any longer to deliver benefits to the  entire world (…). I will not miss to use my energy (…) for developing a science that may serve, more than other, as a staff of moral force for the Humanity. Since the surface of the ocean is a link  for all people.”

H.S.H. Albert I, Prince of Monaco
Opening speech at the day of CIESM constitution (Madrid, November 1919)

[more about the CIESM]

CIESM is governed through a structured framework led by a Board, which includes the National Delegates of 23 Member States and is chaired by the President of CIESM. The organization also features an Advisory Board advising on strategic directions, a Director General responsible for overall operations and scientific coordination, and a Science Council composed of chairs from six scientific committees. These groups work together to steer the Commission’s efforts in monitoring and understanding the Mediterranean Sea’s dynamic environment.