CIESM Congress 2024
Call for candidates to Committee Chairs is now open! (deadline 31 August 2024)

Browse through our unique Atlas collection on Exotic Species

Our 42nd Intl Congress (Cascais, Portugal) focused on Mediterranean / Atlantic exchanges

Find here a collection of reports, videos and photos capturing some of the best moments

Marine mammals & co now under UN watch
Satellite monitoring of Mediterranean salinity
East. West Intl. Conference
Sochi, Russian Federation
CIESM recommendations on submarine canyons
CIESM Charter on ABS and intellectual property of marine resources
Restoring Medit. Fish stocks
Marine Peace Parks in the Medbroad lines of CIESM proposal and full Monograph
Acid a bad trip for marine species
Some like it hot – or how Mediterranean marine species face global warming



CIESM Atlas on Exotic Fishes
Explore some of the 188 exotic species of the volume

Engaging marine scientists and fishers to share knowledge and perceptions
No 50 of our CIESM Series - a richly illustrated 218 pages volume. A must read.
  Guide of Mediterranean Seabirds
Guide of Fish Larvae in the Mediterranean  
CIESM Workshop Monographs  
   n°50    Contrasting perceptions of fishing & research worlds
   n°49    Bacterial Pathogens
   n°48    Marine Connectivity
   n°47    Submarine canyon dynamics
  Visit our full collection of 50 volumes


Views of CIESM Congress
in Kiel, Germany

see reports, photos & videos

CIESM | 16, bd de Suisse | MC 98000 Monaco | Tel.  +377 9330 3879 | Fax  +377 9216 1195 |