Details on themes:
C1 – Marine Geosciences:
• Deep sedimentary processes and Extreme environments
Complex deep sedimentary and tectonic processes in the Mediterranean have resulted in a range of topographic expressions at shallow and deep sea floor for the Mediterranean (including the greater Gulf of Cadiz area, Sea of Marmara, and Black Sea). These features are often accompanied by expulsion of gas, low- and high-salinity fluids, and hot and cold muds. Intriguing biogeochemical processes take place at these unique sites of extreme activity. This session aims to gather a multidisciplinary community ranging from geophysics, geochemistry to geo-microbiology dealing with these exciting environments.
• Messinian salinity crisis
Despite the consensus reached on several aspects (CIESM Monograph 33, 2008), and 40 years after the first desiccation scenario reported by Hsü et al., the Messinian Salinity Crisis remains one of the longest-living, controversies in Geosciences. During this session we will evaluate the present understanding of this major event, its causes and consequences, and discuss potential approaches to solve it (via deep-sea drilling, on land, ...).
• Marine geohazards (incl. cost-benefit analysis)
The Mediterranean, and its highly populated coastal areas, is subjected to a high frequency occurrence of seismic and volcanic activity, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, submarine slides, and potential related tsunamis. This session will focus on origin, impact, and mitigation of past, present, and future geo-hazards, including cost-benefit analyses.
• Marine canyons
In recent years it has become clear that canyons are not only important sediment pathways from the continental shelf to the deep sea, but also are focus of adapted biological activity, and potential hydrocarbon source rock. Outstanding novel findings from the Black Sea, Mediterranean, and Atlantic side of the Iberian peninsula are invited to this session.
• (*)Biogeochemical cycles past and present
In the present, the Mediterranean is one of the most oligotrophic global oceans but at its marginal seas (Alboran, N. Adriatic, Black Sea) enhanced primary productivity occurs with sustained deep-water anoxia in the Black Sea. During distinct periods in the past, enhanced primary productivity and deep-water anoxia occurred on a basin-wide scale (sapropel periods). These distinct periods are strongly related to humid climate periods, which relates to enhance driver fluxes and reduced deep-water formation. However, it is the availability of nutrients that drives primary productivity. In this session we wish to explore present and past biogeochemical cycles.
• (*)Origin of oxygenation and (*)Ventilation transients, physical and chemical processes (paleo- & recent)
In present and past, gateways and related ventilation govern Mediterranean physical and biogeochemical processes. The limited ventilation makes the Mediterranean a perfect basin for a range of environmental studies not only for the present but also for the past. The latter is particularly valid as paleo-signals appear to be often well-preserved in the sediments. Climate and deep-water formation (the ‘Transient’), and low-oxygen deep-water conditions are amongst the examples illustrating the importance of integrating present-day and paleo-observations and interpretations. This is exactly the aim of this session.
In addition, we encourage contributions that highlight potential future developments in deep-water formation and basin ventilation (natural and anthropogenic).
C2 – Physics and Climate of the Ocean:
• (*)Water column habitats
Can we divide the water column in terms of habitats? What are the temporal scales in different parts of the water column which have a major influence on the biota?
• (*)Ventilation transients, physical and chemical processes (paleo- & recent)
Impact of ventilation transients on the physical and chemical processes – recent and paleo records. Scales of variability.
• Mesoscale variability - experimental and modelling results
Eddy formation in the coastal current. Fronts and eddies. Wind shear and eddy formation. Western and eastern Mediterranean mesoscale eddy fields; scales and formation mechanisms.
• (*)Mediterranean thermohaline cells and biogeochemical status - driving mechanisms and variability
Eastern and western Mediterranean cells – similarity and differences. Importance of wind forcing. Air-sea heat fluxes. Biogeochemical status and circulation patterns.
• Coastal processes and interaction with open sea
Semi-enclosed bays and lagoons: water exchange and residence times. Wind-driven response. Meteo-tsunamis and other flooding events.
• Variability on climatic scales
Climatic scale variability; Local forcing versus teleconnections; Prevailing temporal scales.
• Operational oceanography - state of the art
Recent evolution of operational oceanography. Importance of data assimilation. Interaction with potential users.
• Basin-wide multi-ship surveys
Findings of recent basin-wide surveys. Mediterranean thermohaline properties evolution (EMT, BiOS, WMT). Basin-wide distribution of biogeochemical properties and temporal evolution. Requirements and plans for future planned cruises.
• Ecosystem modeling (Coupling physical and biogeochemical models)
C3 – Marine Biogeochemistry:
• (*)Long term variability of the Mediterranean thermohaline cells and biogeochemical status
Biogeochemical consequences of upwellings, downwellings, deep Mediterranean water formation; inter-annual variability; signature of global warming.
• (*)Oxygen depletion and mortality events: past, recent and future problems
Seasonal oxygen depletion studies; density stratification or carbon flux from algae production studies related to nutrient load; nitrification process in coastal and deep waters; societal and economic impacts.
•Modelling the fate of chemical contaminants
Developing, calibrating and implementing coupled numerical models (hydrodynamics, sediment transport and fate of chemicals contaminants) for Mediterranean waters; examples must be provided.
• New technologies and methods for chemical monitoring and toxicology
Applying new techniques to evaluate chemical contaminant status in Mediterranean marine water, sediment and biota (no methods) results from chemical speciation, passive sampler devices (POCIS …), chemical effects in Mediterranean biological systems (ex: mutagenesis and genetic toxicity); monitoring results.
• Chemical processes in sediments: interaction between contaminants and marine species
Bioaccumulation, bioamplification process of chemical contaminants in benthic species; including influence of the sediment status. Chemical process in interstitial water; bioturbation effect.
• Chemical fluxes through marine frontiers
Explain, estimate numerically and/or by modeling the chemical exchange processes between sediment and water column; evaluate fluxes from land (watershed) or through the marine surface; numerical models describing and calculating the fluxes are welcome.
• Acidification of the Mediterranean Sea (including socio-economic impact)
Understand the changing chemistry of the Mediterranean; produce results collected on multidisciplinary campaigns; evaluating impacts (including socio-economic) of acidification on marine ecosystems; management strategies for adapting to the consequences of ocean acidification.
• Fouling problems: status and novelties
New antifouling paints systems production; effects of antifouling compounds on marine and estuarine life; status of harbor contamination by antifouling biocides like TBT, copper, etc.
• Lagoons, deltas and estuaries (including watershed management)
Global evaluation of the urban, agricultural and industrial loads to estuaries, deltas and coastal lagoons; studies on their biogeochemical status and behavior. Coupled numerical models on eutrophication process. Watershed management.
• Marine litter in the Mediterranean Sea
Marine litter as a global challenge in Mediterranean sea; assessment of the regional situation; global distribution and composition of marine debris categories; cartography of deposit in coastal and deep zones; evaluate different sources of litter and impacts in marine life; marine litter control programs; monitoring strategies; plastic debris and their environmental fate.
• Large coastal cities as pollution hotspots
Evaluating waste water discharges of coastal Mediterranean waters near big cities; chemical and sanitary contamination status; ecotoxicological and ecological issues in marine ecosystems; environmental management and adaptive measures; restoration.
• Ecosystems modelling (incl. integrated bio-informatics)
C4 – Marine Microbiology & Biotechnology:
• Extremophiles (halophiles; thermophiles, chemical pollution)
The Mediterranean Sea Basin contains a number of 'extreme' environments harboring a highly specialized biota. Marine areas with high temperature (geothermal), high salt (man-made salt ponds; deep brines), high hydrostatic pressure (abyssal trenches), high solar radiation (sea dunes) and high chemical pollution are inhabited by organisms generally known as 'extremophiles'. Their biodiversity, metabolism, biotechnological applications, adaptation mechanisms and pathways, enzymes and secondary metabolites will be featured.
•Microbial pathways and processes (incl. gene and protein regulation)
Bacteria and Archaea possess a rich diversity of metabolic and anabolic pathways, some of which are important for biotechnology. New pathways and enzymatic activities. Relationship between pathways and adaptation to marine environments. Gene and protein regulation. Microbial processes with potential industrial application.
• Microbial diversity (including functional diversity)
The marine environment from the surface to the bottom sediments offers microbes a huge number of different habitats. Open sea biodiversity, abyssal and deep brines, and marine geothermal habitats are of interest to microbiologists. Techniques (culture-dependent or not) for estimation of biodiversity.
• Interactions Prokaryotes - Eukaryotes
Bacteria pathogenic for algae, plants and animals. Ecto- and endosymbiotic bacteria and archaea. Commensal bacteria and archaea.
• Marine virology
Viruses appear to be the most abundant genetic elements in the marine environment. Most infect bacteria and archaea, others will cause disease in eukaryotes (marine algae, plants and animals). Viral diversity and processes. Lytic and lysogenic cycles of viruses.
• Marine –Omics
This session will invite presentations on population genomics, evolutionary and developmental genomics, comparative genomics, environmental genomics, phylogenomics. Systems- and ecosystems biology (incl. studies based on metagenomics, proteomics, metabolomics, etc. Whole genome sequencing of microbes. Meta data analyses, bio-informatics).
• Blue biotechnology (markets for biotech)
Biotechnology offers a multitude of processes for sustainable development, from bioremediation to energy production. Microbial processes and products, animal, plant and algal products and processes. Gene mining. Bioremediation of organic and inorganic pollutants. Petroleum bioremediation. Identifying markets for blue biotechnology; bulk chemical, fine chemical, medical and petroleum industries.
• Phytoplankton (including HABs) Phytoplankton dynamics, ecology and physiology. Phytoplankton diversity. HABs events and implication for human and ocean health.
C5 a – Living Resources & Marine Ecosystems:
• Indo-Pacific aliens (incl. economics and health aspects)
Migration and invasion of indo-Pacific species in the Mediterranean Sea. Their effects on environment, fishery, human health and local socio-economy
• Cartilaginous fishes
Ecology, taxonomy and current conservation status of Elasmobranches (sharks, skates and rays) in the Mediterranean Sea
• Advances in ecosystem-based fishery
Incorporation of ecosystem-based approaches into fisheries management programs with a view to improve the quality of degraded marine ecosystem.
• Traceability of living resources
Genetic identification and characterization of marine fish species from Mediterranean waters. How can traceability and labeling contribute to more sustainable fisheries?
• Aging techniques and population dynamics
Population dynamics studies would benefit greatly from reliable aging techniques for marine species. This session invites presentations of new methods, developments, merits and a review of drawbacks linked to aging from scales, otoliths, fin spines, teeth, etc.
• Sustainable aquaculture towards ecosystem-based management
Development and management of aquaculture aiming to integrate this sector within the wider ecosystem so as to promote sustainability of interlinked social-ecological systems. Application of an ecosystem-based management to aquaculture with consideration of the full range of ecosystem functions and services.
• Benthic ecology (natural and artificial reefs, soft bottoms)
Species richness and densities inside and outside of the reef. Use of artificial reefs as fishery-management tools compensating for human-induced habitat losses. Evaluating the influence of the reef on the surrounding benthic ecosystems.
•Biodiversity hotspots (including unique ecosystems)
Knowledge on species richness, density, status and threats in biodiversity hotspots and their sensitivity to global climate change.
• Marine mammals, seabirds and sea turtles
Ecology, threats, conservation, mortality, catch and bycatch of marine mammals, seabirds and sea turtles in the Mediterranean and Black Sea.
C5 b – Living Resources & Marine Ecosystems:
• Gelatinous plankton (incl. socio-economics)
Is the fish-jellyfish transition going on? Are the impacts only negative? What are the novel findings?
• Rarity and extinction
Are Red Lists exaustive? Do you have reports on extinctions in your country? What is the role of rare species?
• (*)Water column habitats
Is the water column a homogeneous habitat ? Is it possible to define different types of water column habitats?
• MPAs: steps forward, incl. socio-economic returns (CoCoNet, etc.)
From one-nation-only MPAs, to transnational networks. Ideas and case studies for a shared vision.
• Connectivity: current and new methodologies, tools and approaches
How to identify conservation and management units? How to assess connectivity?How to assess processes of connectivity from patterns of distribution?
• Phenology
Is global change affecting the phenology of species? Case studies, ideas, and a timely return to autoecology.
• Definition of good environmental status and reference points
What are the baselines that we can adopt to state that a given environment is in a good status? Can ecological trajectories go back to «pristine» conditions? Or can we expect that the future will be inevitably different from the past? And, if so, how to assess its quality?
• Historical ecology
Can we understand a complex system without knowing its history? What do we know about the history of the systems we are studying?
• Functional traits: from natural history to modelling and back
Functional traits, together with phenology, are a new label for an old bottle: autoecology. They are based on solid knowledge of natural history. Can we hope to understand the relationship of biodiversity and ecosystem functioning without knowing what species do ?
C6 – Coastal Systems:
• Shoreline dynamics / climate change impacts
Modification of shorelines due to human activities, onshore and upstream (e.g., deforestation and runoff), and impacts on coastal systems. Shoreline changes due to climate change-related events: sea level rise, increase flooding, etc.
• Success stories and failures in coastal conservation
Which coastal conservation projects have worked (e.g., successful marine reserves restoring fish biomass, local fisheries enhancement) and why? Which projects have not succeeded and why not? Are success stories replicable and scalable?
• Economic dimension of coastal systems (incl. coastal tourism)
Value of coastal systems, including goods and services, for multiple uses (extractive and non-extractive, marketable and non-marketable). Link between coastal system health and value for tourism.
• Remote sensing: applications for coastal management
Use of satellite and other technology for mapping, monitoring, and assessment of coastal systems.
• Aquaculture impacts on coastal ecosystems
Impacts of fish farms and seashell cultures on coastal ecosystems, including escapes from farms, parasite loading, nutrient pollution, and others.
• Coastal fisheries: threats and opportunities
New models for coastal fisheries management in the Mediterranean, including improved access rights, community-managed regimes, and market mechanisms. What is working and how can we scale it up?
• Biogeography: patterns and trends
Are ‘old’ biogeographic patterns (e.g., species distribution and abundance) being altered by human-induced and natural changes? Are introduced species shifting ranges because of seawater warming and increased shipping?