Carapace transversely oval, markedly convex, regions well delimited, subdivided into numerous globular lobules. Front deflexed, prominently bilobate, separated from inner orbital tooth by broad depression. Orbital margin thick, crenulate. Eye stalk short, subglobular. Antennulae folding obliquely, inter-antennulary septum broad. Antero-lateral margin prominently arched, crenulate, 11-12 denticles, increasing in size posteriorly; postero-lateral margin short, concave; posterior margin granulate. Chelipeds unequal in both sexes, cheliped carpus externally lobulate, chela and dactyl bearing conical tubercles on outer surface, fingers short, blunt, hollowed at tip. Meri of walking legs with upper margin crested, serrate; carpi, propodi crested with stout spines, thickly fringed with coarse setae, dactyls bearing two setal clumps posteriorly.
color :
carapace pale brown, lobules darker, cheliped fingers dark brown.
common size :
CL 3.5 cm (max.).
Carapace markedly globular, antero-lateral margin not crested, dactyls of walking legs with two clumps of setae on posterior distal margin.
Poorly known.
habitat :
sand, stones, coral reefs, in shallow waters.