Carapace as long as wide, surface with deep grooves and tubercles; leaving the first three abdominal segments visible dorsally. Front with 2 triangular submedian teeth. Outer orbital tooth triangular, slender, reaching slightly beyond frontal teeth, inner margin granulate. Lateral margin of carapace granulate. Chelipeds in adult males unequal, in females and juveniles equal. Second and third legs long, third pair longest; last two pairs short and slender, dorsal in position and ending in hook-like dactyls. Male abdomen with second and third segments tridentate.
color :
carapace pale brownish grey, carapacial tubercles dark colored.
common size :
males CL 4.2 cm, females 3.6 cm.
Differs from the only Mediterranean Dorippinid species, Meodorippe lanata (Linnaeus, 1767), in the strongly sculptured carapace, tridentate abdominal somites, lack of dense pubescence, and lack of row of dorsal spines on second pereiopodal merus.
Poorly known.
habitat :
on sandy, muddy or gravelly bottoms, but also on coral reefs and oyster banks; intertidal to 73 m, mostly to 30 m.