Body oblong and slightly compressed. Large head, its upper profile slightly convex. Large mouth, jaws reaching back beyond eye. Large sharp teeth in jaws and smaller but sharp teeth on vomer and palatine. Preoperculum edge serrated. Operculum posterior edge pointed with three flat spines. Continuous dorsal fin, its posterior edge round. The second spine of anal fin is the largest. Caudal, pectoral and pelvic fins round. Body and head covered with small ctenoid scales.
color : body grey to pinkish with five wide dusky vertical bars. White to light grey belly. The tip of the membrane between dorsal spines is black. Head dorsal surface brown to reddish. All fins have orange-rosy touch. When inhabiting deeper water (more than 100 m) they have orange-rosy color.
size :
common 10-30 cm (max. 40 cm).
Other serranids in the Mediterranean: no black tip of the membrane between dorsal spines.
Feeds on fish and large invertebrates chiefly crustaceans and cephalopods. Probably protogynic hermaphrodite. Eggs and larvae planktonic.
habitat : between rocks and coral to depths of 150 m.