Rostrum with 7-11 teeth on upper margin, single tooth on lower margin. Carapace bearing gastrofrontal, hepatic crests, spines. Post-rostral crest medially grooved, crest bordered by deep grooves reaching posterior margin of carapace. Abdominal segments 4-6 keeled. Sixth abdominal segment bearing three lateral scars. Telson with pointed tip and 3 pairs of movable distal spines. First three pairs of walking legs chelate, only basial spines present on first and second walking legs. Petasma symmetrical. Thelycum tubular.
color :
body pale, bearing uninterrupted brown transverse bands. Walking legs and pleopods pale yellow proximally, blue distally. Uropods distally striped with yellow and blue, setal fringe red.
common size :
TL 17 cm males, 27 cm females (max.).
Melicertus kerathurus has both coxal and basial spines on first, second walking legs; transverse interrupted dark bands on first four segments of abdomen.
Nocturnal. Adults buried in substrate during daytime. Juveniles mostly inshore. Reproduction: April-November. Life-span approximately 2.5 years.
habitat :
sandy, sandy-mud bottoms, 1-90 m, usually less than 50 m.