Carapace nearly smooth, hairless. Rostrum horizontal, bearing 7-10 teeth on upper margin. Postrostral crest rounded, half as long as carapace. Antennal and hepatic spines present. Branchiocardiac groove indistinct. Cervical groove marked. Telson medially grooved, margins distally spinulose. Walking legs 1-3 with basial spine. Merus of fifth walking leg, in males, proximally notched on inner margin. Petasma with laterally curved processes and an apical styliform process. Thelycum with posterior ridge between triangulate lateral plates.
color :
carapace, abdomen, legs, pleopods cream-colored with rust-colored chromatophores. Antennae, distal part of uropods reddish.
common size :
TL males 11 cm, females 14 cm.
First walking leg lacking ischial spine. Merus of fifth walking leg, in males, proximally notched on inner margin.
Euryhaline. Juveniles occur in shallow coastal waters; adults, further offshore. Life span 13-16 months. Reproduction April-September.
habitat :
sandy or muddy sandy bottom, 1-90 m.