Carapace subhexagonal, convex, median groove anteriorly distinct. Carapace and pereopods closely tumentose; longer, stiff setae anteriorly on carapace, chelipeds and pereopods. Front third as wide as carapace, deflexed, bilobed, lobes slightly oblique, separated from inner orbital tooth by well-marked groove. Infra-orbital margin denticulate, inner angle spiniform. Antero-lateral margin, shorter than postero-lateral, with four spiniform teeth. Chelipeds unequal. Upper margin of cheliped merus bispinose, carpus and chela thickly covered with conical tubercles on upper and outer surface. Walking legs slender, medial and distal spines on dorsal margin of meri of walking legs 2-4.
color :
carapace pale yellowish to light brick-red, cheliped fingers brownish.
common size :
CL 1 cm.
Carapace with four antero-lateral teeth, meri of walking legs with median spine in addition to distal spine on dorsal margin.
Poorly known.
habitat :
stony Caulerpa and Halimeda bottom, shell, gravel, 20-33 m.