Body oblong and compressed. Two separate dorsal fins, the first with 9 spines, the second with 1 spine and 9 soft rays. Operculum with two flat spines in the upper corner; margins of preoperculum entirely serrated. Interopercle and suboperculum partially serrated. Eyes large (3.5 in head length). Scales cycloid, small on head and very large on body. Anterior nostril small and round, posterior nostril in form of an almost vertical long slit. Villiform teeth and protruding canines: in the upper jaw, two on each side; in the lower jaw, two at symphysys and inside the space delimited by the upper canines; the other 3 - 5 along each side.
color :
head, body and all fins except pectorals brownish-black. Pectoral fin transparent. An area of transparent skin on dorsal surface of head.
size :
common 30 cm.
S. philippinensis: outer edge of first hard ray of pelvic fin serrated (smooth in S. japonicus).
Atlantic Synagrops spp.: the two dorsal fins almost touching.
habitat :
benthic deep water species, found on muddy bottoms between 250 and 450 m.