Carapace densely setose. Rostrum short, upcurved, 7-11 teeth on upper margin. Epigastric tooth distinctly separated from rostral teeth. Orbital, antennal, hepatic spines present, pterygostomian spine absent. Second abdominal segment bearing small tubercle medially, four posterior segments medially crested. Telson armed with 3-4 pairs of movable spines laterally. Basial spine on first and second walking legs. Petasma symmetrical, T-shaped, with wing-like distolateral projections. Anterior plate of thelycum triangulate, medially sulcate.
color :
carapace pale brown, abdominal crest white. Antennal flagella orange-red. Pleopods red with white marks. Uropods dark red with white margins.
common size :
TL males 8.5 cm, females 11.5 cm.
Carapace setose, rostrum upcurved, petasma T-shaped.
Nocturnal. Reproduction April-September.
habitat :
sandy or sandy-mud bottoms, 6-300 m, usually between 30-60 m.