Type of activities
|  | research only |
| academic, education |
| | policy/planning |
| envir. monitoring |
| | other: |
Main sectors of research
aquatic ecology, oceanography, fisheries
Current major projects
total major projects : 20
main titles : * valoración de la reducción de la biodiversidad de las comunidades de macroinvertebrados acuáticos debida a la toxicidad potencial de las comunidades de cianobacterias y al incremento de la precipitación de carbonatos ; * biomarkers in marine sponges ; * TOROS : biogeochemistry of an acidic and metal-rich river-estuary system ; * mortalidad natural y por pesca en peces litorales del mediterráneo ; * chemical ecology of the recruitment of submerges surfaces by benthonic organisms as a basis for a new alternative antifouling systems
Number of local permanent staff
scientists :
others :
Indoor surface area (m2) available for
research :
teaching :
others :
Conference room
| no |
yes (number of seats : )
Research vessel(s)
|  | less than 12 m in length; number of vessels : 5 |
| | more than 12 m in length; number of vessels : |
Brief description of vessels and on board scientific equipment :
Other major research facilities and equipment
ecology laboratories, chemical oceanography laboratory, biological oceanography laboratory, radioactive laboratory, histological laboratory and image analysis laboratory
Ecosystem types available nearby
rocky ecosystems and sandy ecosystems
Areas of taxonomic expertise
algae, phanerogams, polychaetes, sponges, crustaceans, fishes
Specimen collections
| yes |
no |
Hosting facilities for visiting scientists
| yes |
no |
Training courses
| yes |
no |
Capacity and brief description of library
journals on marine and fresh-water biology and ecology, chemical and biological oceanography ; capacity of books : 400 ; capacity of journals : 200 ; capacity of reports/articles : 4000
Type of research institution
|  | governmental, national |
| governmental, local |
| | international |
| academic |
| | private |
| other: |
CIESM Guide of Marine Research Institutes