Type of activities
| | research only |
 | academic, education |
|  | policy/planning |
 | envir. monitoring |
| | other: |
Main sectors of research
physical oceanography, marine pollution, marine chemistry, production, fisheries, marine biology, marine geology & geophysics, remote sensing, GIS, digital terrain modelling, pollen analysis oil pollution monitoring, and identification
Current major projects
* Water Quality Monitoring 1996-2001 (Continue) Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality, Directory of Water and Sewerage.
* Eggs and larvae dynamics of the Sea of Marmara and Black Sea , DPT Project.
* Ecosystem dynamics in the Bosphorus DPT Project.
* Fishery Migration in the Turkish Coast by Remote Sensing DPT Project.
* Ecosystem dynamics in the Marmara Sea.
* Investigation of Marmara Sub Bottom Morphology. Research Foundation of Istanbul University.
* Plankton and Fish Population dynamics of the Sea of Marmara and SW Black Sea. DPT Project.
* Population biology of jellyfish Mnemiopsis leidyii. DPT Project.
* Sea level changes in the Turkish Strait Systems and Black sea Research Foundation of Istanbul University.
* Dalyan Ecosystem modelling.
(for a complete list of ongoing and completed projects please refer to our website (see above).
Number of local permanent staff
scientists :
others :
Indoor surface area (m2) available for
research :
teaching :
others :
Conference room
| no |
yes (number of seats : 30 ) |
Research vessel(s)
| | less than 12 m in length; number of vessels : |
| | more than 12 m in length; number of vessels : 2 |
Brief description of vessels and on board scientific equipment :
Institute's main research ship, R/V ARAR was launched in 1951; steel hull, length : 31,27 m ; beam : 6,50 m draft : 2.76 m ; speed : 11.0 knots max., 9.0 knots cruising, 0.5 knot min ; endurance 15 days propulsion : MAN CGV42diesel, 380HP, propeller 1.5 m. DGPS is used for navigation ; the vessel also has two conventional radars with mid-range; the ship has central air conditioning and heating ; the R/V ARAR has quarters for a crew of 11, and can support a scientific party of 12 for a period of about 15 days at sea ; the vessel is fully equipped for stock assessment studies; SeaBird 9/11 Probe, GO Rosetta System with 12/5 L. Niskin Bottles, Simrad EK60 Scientific Split Beam Sounder, 2 RDI ADCP, Plankton and Larva Nets, RCM 11.
R/V ARAR 1 used in coastal surveys, built in 1995; 12 knots max speed ; length : 16m ; crew : 3; scientists :9; Sea Logger 25 CTD, Niskin Bottles, RDI Sentinel ADCP,
Other major research facilities and equipment
spectrophotometers, HPLC, GC/MS, CHN analyzer, spectrofluorometry, Inverted, stereo, epifluorescence and light microscopes with CCD camera systems, automatic temperature and light controlled microcosm section with UV sterilization, acoustic Doppler current profiler, scientific fisheries echo split beam sounder, side scan sonar, sparkarray, gravity corer, grab sampler, weather station, plankton and larva nets, hydraulic control fish nets, diving equipment, etc.
Data processing and computing unit
Satellite image processing unit :
the capabilities of the satellite image processing center of the institute improved significantly acquisition of HRPT/AVHRR images from NOAA and high resolution Image processing the system The Institute is also one of the authorized center to receive Sea WIFS data of the SEASTAR satellite.
The remote sensing laboratories of the institute are equiped with a Win NT based work station and various Pentium IV-III computers operating under local network.
GIS and AM/FM with DGPS. High precision bathymetric mapping.
Processing systems :
ERDAS Imagine 8.3.1 SIP, ErMapper SIP, ArcView 3.2, AutoCAD Map 2.0,
SEAPAK satellite image processing system
Ecosystem types available nearby
marine ecosystem (coastal zone, pelagic environment, benthic environment), estuaries, lagoons
Areas of taxonomic expertise
Sea of Marmara, SW Black Sea, N Aegean Sea, lagoons (Dalyan, K. cekmece, B. cekmece), estuaries (Golden Horn)
Specimen collections
| yes |
no |
Brief description :
ichthyoplankton, phytoplankton and macrozoobenthos
Hosting facilities for visiting scientists
| yes |
no |
2 apartment units, 80 mē, 1 small house
Training courses
| yes |
no |
Capacity and brief description of library
100 books : 1 000 current journals subscription : 20 ; total bounded journals : 2 000 ; reports of the Institute 87
Type of research institution
| | governmental, national |
| governmental, local |
| | international |
 | academic |
| | private |
| other: |
CIESM Guide of Marine Research Institutes