Type of activities
|  | research only |
 | academic, education |
| | policy/planning |
 | envir. monitoring |
| | other: |
Main sectors of research
plankton ecology, microbial ecology, zoobenthos, mariculture, fishes, copepods, ecotoxicology
Current major projects
* hydrothermal marine vents as source of biological materials - MAST III ;
* immunohistochemical characterization of bioactive peptides in the diffuse neuroendocrine systems of gill and airways of fishes ;
* study of the effects of xenobiotics on organs of teleosts from isolated natural environments
Number of local permanent staff
scientists :
others :
Indoor surface area (m2) available for
research :
teaching :
others :
Conference room
| no |
yes (number of seats : 500 ) |
Research vessel(s)
| | less than 12 m in length; number of vessels : |
| | more than 12 m in length; number of vessels : 1 |
Brief description of vessels and on board scientific equipment :
'Algesiro Matteo', 27 m in length, originally a fishing wood boat, was renovated as oceanographic vessel with a large range of specific marine chemistry and biology equipments
Other major research facilities and equipment
Bioness Electronic Multinet, CTD, in-situ fluorimeter, Rosette Sampler, Optical Plankton Counter (OPC), plankton nets, plankton hamburg net, bongo net, buckets, dredges, box corer, Phillipson Micro-Bomb calorimeter, light and stereoscopic microscopes, epifluorescence microscope, Zeiss Axiphot Photomicroscope with incident light fluorescence and differential interference contrast, spectrophotometers, spectrofluorimeters, scan laser, ultramicrotome
Ecosystem types available nearby
straits of Messina, Faro and Ganzirri brackish lakes, Oliveri lagoons, Aeolian islands, south Tyrrhenian Sea and Ionian Sea
Areas of taxonomic expertise
pelagic & associated copepods, euphausiids, amphipods, mesopelagic fishes, mysids, molluscs, ichthyoplankton, bacterial taxonomy
Specimen collections
| yes |
no |
Hosting facilities for visiting scientists
| yes |
no |
300 m2 (laboratories, scientific equipment, lodging)
Training courses
| yes |
no |
aquaculture, biology of fishes, marine ecology, PhCD marine science research
Capacity and brief description of library
400 mē surface, 5000 volumes, 6000 catalogued newspapers, 50 subscriptions, 40 exchanges
Type of research institution
|  | governmental, national |
| governmental, local |
| | international |
| academic |
| | private |
| other: |
CIESM Guide of Marine Research Institutes