Type of activities
|  | research only |
| academic, education |
| | policy/planning |
 | envir. monitoring |
other: training program for young scientists, adviser of university students theses, and courses |
Main sectors of research
physical oceanography, geology, environmental sciences
Current major projects
National projects :
SIOMED : Ecological models and coastal circulation.
VISIR : Core project of the Italian Space Agency (ASI) on A feasible study and scientific investigation of an EO mission to monitor seas and coasts.
DRAIN : (Determination of pollutant inputs from the drainage basin to the lagoon)
National Protection Group Against Geo-hydrological Hazards (GNDCI): Projects concerning risk of water shortage and contamination, subsidence in the Venetian plain area, and monitoring piezometric levels and land elevation in the Venetian territory,
Cultural Heritage Target Project on the Arsenal, Venice, Italy
Antarctica Project on the Ross Ice Shelf.
EC and international projects :
PROVESS (PRocesses of Vertical Exchange in Shelf Seas)
F-ECTS (Feed-back of Estuarine Circulation and Transport of Sediments on phytobenthos)
MEDATLAS (Mediterranean Atlas)
CAL/VAL (SeaWiF Calibration and Validation)
NATO-CCMS (Project on Ecosystem modeling of coastal lagoons for sustainable management and Project on Modeling nutrient loads and response in riverine estuary systems)
NASDA (Climatological mesoscale air-sea interaction in the Mediterranean Sea: impact on ocean circulation, mean sea level and primary production)
NASA (EO-1 Mission).
Regional/Municipal projects:
CARG (Geological Cartography Project)
BIO2 REMEDIATION Determining pollution levels in sediments of the Marghera Industrial Zone (Venice, Italy)
CO.RI.LA Core projects (Biodiversity studies), (Estimation of organic and inorganic substances, dissolved oxygen, and planktonic organisms in the water at the inlet mouths), (Hydrodynamics and morphology of the Lagoon of Venice)
ISES (Study on saline intrusion and subsidence in the Venetian plain)
WATERS (real time monitoring of water quality in the canals of Venice).
Number of local permanent staff
scientists :
others :
Indoor surface area (m2) available for
research :
teaching :
others :
Conference room
| no |
yes (number of seats : 80 ) |
Research vessel(s)
|  | less than 12 m in length; number of vessels : 3 |
| | more than 12 m in length; number of vessels : |
Brief description of vessels and on board scientific equipment :
'Rivo Alto' (7,5 m) : houseboat converted into a floating laboratory to carry out studies and controls in the Lagoon of Venice ;
'Litus' (10,2 m) : pilot boat ;
'Henetus' (7,3 m) : motorboat
Other major research facilities and equipment
OFFSHORE : Oceanographic Platform : 'Acqua Alta' ;
Instruments permanent :
* Meteorological : anemometers, solarimeter, radiometer, rain gauge, dust particle collector, thermometer ;
* Oceanographic : tide gauges, wave meters, current meters, thermometers ;
* Atmosphere and Sea Optical Properties : rotating shadow band radiometer, scanning photometer, underwater radiometers, turbidimeter, fluorometer ;
* Laboratory Instruments : water-filtering devices, coulter counter (particle analyzer), bio-chemical analyzers ;
Instruments not permanent : microwave scatterometer, high-resolution 3-d anemometers, high-resolution radar wave gauge ;
* Mainframe : CRAY-YMP-EL ;
* Laboratories : oceanography, chemistry, radiometric calibration, micropaleontology
Ecosystem types available nearby
lagoon, coastal zones, marine, drainage basin
Areas of taxonomic expertise
Specimen collections
| yes |
no |
Brief description :
CNR-ISDGM collection of Foraminifera (Phylum: Protozoa) of the Gulf and Lagoon of Venice.
Quaternary sediments down to 1,000 m (Core VE1).
Hosting facilities for visiting scientists
| yes |
no |
Training courses
| yes |
no |
Capacity and brief description of library
3000 books ;
subjects covered : mathematics, computer sciences, statistics, chemistry, physics, geology, ecology, paleontology, sedimentology, geophysics, oceanography, hydraulics, hydrodynamics, hydrogeology, meteorology, remote sensing, mechanics and electronics ; it subscribes to some 100 international scientific journals and has about 250 journals no longer under current subscription ; the institute publishes technical reports ; technical notes are also available on research work ; in addition, there are many miscellaneous publications
Type of research institution
|  | governmental, national |
| governmental, local |
| | international |
| academic |
| | private |
| other: |
CIESM Guide of Marine Research Institutes