Type of activities
|  | research |
academic, education |
| | policy/planning |
 | long term monitoring |
| |
other: |
Main sectors of research
écologie côtière, génétique des populations/évolution, biotechnologie, microbiology, physiologie, intéractions terre/mer, qualité de l'eau/pollution, climat, atmosphère/océan intéractions, cycles biogéochimiques, sédiments...
Current major projects
Number of local permanent staff
scientists : 36
others : 70
Indoor surface area (m2) available for
research :
teaching :
others :
Conference room
| no |
yes (number of seats : 90 ) |
Research vessel(s)
|  | less than 12 m in length; number of vessels : 1 |
| | more than 12 m in length; number of vessels : 1 |
Brief description of vessels and on board scientific equipment :
Other major research facilities and equipment
aquariums d'étude ; techniques de la biologie cellulaire et moléculaire ; accès au domaine marin (bateaux, plongée) ; station de terrain
Ecosystem types available nearby
côte rocheuse ou sableuse, coralligène, canyons
Areas of taxonomic expertise
phytoplancton, microphytobenthos, macrobenthos, meiobenthos, macrophytobenthos, bactéries, plancton
Specimen collections
| yes |
no |
Hosting facilities for visiting scientists
| yes | no |
nombre total de lits : 100
Training courses
| yes |
no |
cours supérieurs, écoles d'été, cours sur le terrain, ateliers...
Capacity and brief description of library
Type of research institution
governmental, national |
| governmental, local |
| | international |
academic |
| | private |
| other: |
CIESM Guide of Marine Research Institutes