CIESM Workshop Monographs, n°35

Climate warming and related changes in Mediterranean marine biota

To be cited as: CIESM 2008. Climate warming and related changes in Mediterranean marine biota. N° 35 in CIESM Workshop Monographs [F. Briand, Ed.], 152 p., CIESM Publisher, Monaco.

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I – Executive Summary …………………………………………………………………

1. Introduction
2. Physical forcing
3. Biological responses
          3.1 Biogeographic responses of thermophilic species
                    3.1.1 Northward extension and enhancement of native thermophilic species
                    3.1.2 Increasing introductions and range extension of thermophilic NIS
                    3.1.3 Flowering events of Posidonia oceanica
          3.2 Species replacement
          3.3 Extreme events leading to mass mortalities
          3.4 On the vulnerability of cold-water species
          3.5 Are all Mediterranean cold water species the counterpart of Atlantic ones?
4. Examples of changes in ecosystem functioning
          4.1 River inputs
          4.2 Shift from fish to jellyfish
5. Guidelines for monitoring
          5.1 Select appropriate macrodescriptors
          5.2 Multiscale approaches
          5.3 Monitor biogeographic boundaries for key species
          5.4 Monitor genetic biodiversity
          5.5 Monitor metabolic performances
          5.6 Improve public awareness and participation
6. Future prospects for the Mediterranean biota
          6.1 Towards a tropical Mediterranean Sea
          6.2 Decline and extinction of cold water species
          6.3 From a fish to a jellyfish ocean
7. Research gaps and priorities

II – Workshop Communications

- Do we expect significant changes in the Thermohaline Circulation in the Mediterranean in relation to the observed surface layers warming?
A. Theocharis …………………………………………

- Are decadal variations of Adriatic thermohaline properties related to the Eastern Mediterranean Transient (EMT)?
V. Cardin and M. Gačić …………………………………………………

- The advance of thermophilic fishes in the Mediterranean Sea : overview and methodological questions.
E. Azzurro …………………………………………

- The new CIESM Tropicalization Programme – effects of climate warming on Mediterranean key taxa.
P. Moschella …………………………………………

- Allochthonous warm water species in the benthic communities and ichthyofauna of the eastern part of the Adriatic Sea.
M. Despalatović, I. Grubelić, V. Nikolić, B. Dragičević, J. Dulčić, A. Žuljević, I. Cvitković and B. Antolić ……………………………

- Possible climate impacts on the northern Adriatic pelagic ecosystem.
S. Fonda Umani and A. Conversi ………………………………

- Benthic marine algae as reflection of environmental changes in the Northern Adriatic Sea.
I.M. Munda …………………………………………………

- Dead zones: a future worst-case scenario for Northern Adriatic biodiversity.
B. Riedel, M. Zuschin and M. Stachowitsch …………………………………………………

- Are climate changes already threatening sessile species (or species with low mobility) in the North-Western Mediterranean Sea? Vulnerability of coastal ecosystems.
J.P. Féral……………………

- Méditerranée : mixité ethnique et coexistence pacifique ? Cas du golfe de Tunis.
J. Zaouali …………………………

- Helgoland Roads time series: learning from long-term marine data sets.
K. Wiltshire and H.D. Franke ……………………

III – Selected colour plates …………………………………………………………

IV – Bibliographic References …………………………………………………………

V – List of Participants …………………………………………………………………