CIESM Workshop Monographs, n°23

Mare Incognitum? Exploring Mediterranean deep-sea biology

To be cited as: CIESM 2003. Mare Incognitum ? Exploring Mediterranean deep-sea biology. CIESM Workshop Monographs n°23 [F. Briand, ed.], 128 p., CIESM Publisher, Monaco.

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How much, or rather how little, is known about the biology of the Mediterranean Deep Sea ? Find the answer in this 126-page CIESM volume, which is rich in illustrations and contains hundreds of bibliographic references. The Monograph summarizes the extent of our knowledge -- often surprisingly scant -- for each major taxonomic group and for key biological processes. It also surveys the rich diversity of deep-sea ecosystems -- from canyons, brine lakes, cold seeps, deep-sea mounts, continental slopes to abyssal plains -- encountered in the Mediterranean and likely to promote a complexity of life which is yet to be explored. The volume also identifies major paths of research on biodiversity and processes and explains why the Mediterranean Sea offers outstanding, unique opportunities to explore the deep sea.


I - Executive summary
1 - Introduction
2 - Mapping deep-sea habitats
3 - Biodiversity patterns
4 - New research directions - Patterns
5 - Deep-sea sampling methods and emerging technologies
6 - Processes - Priority studies
7 - Are deep-sea resources sustainable ?
8 - Selected key research questions

II - Workshop communications

Mediterranean deep-sea biota

- Gaps in Mediterranean deep-sea megafaunal biology and fisheries.
J. Batista Company, G. Rotllant and F. Sardà

- Differences in biomass composition and size-related structure between Mediterranean and Atlantic deep-sea fish assemblages.
J. Moranta, J.D.M. Gordon, E. Massutí, S.C. Swan, C. Stefanescu, B. Morales-Nin and N.R. Merrett

- Deep-sea biodiversity in the Mediterranean Sea: a comparison at different spatial scales.
R. Danovaro and C. Gambi

- Deep-sea zooplankton ecology of the Eastern Mediterranean. State-of-the-art and perspectives.
R. Koppelmann and H. Weikert.

- Community structure of meiofauna and macrofauna in Mediterranean Deep-Hyper-saline Anoxic Basins.
N. Lampadariou, E. Hatziyanni, and A. Tselepides

- Deep-sea bacteria: the Mediterranean sea as a model environment.
L. Giuliano, C. Tamburini, A. Tursi, and C. Corselli

Hard substrate system
- Current challenges in the study of biological communities at deep-sea hydrothermal vents.
A. Metaxas

- Chemosynthesis-based ecosystems in the deep Atlantic ­ what we do know and we don't
D. Desbruyères

- Sources of energy for deep-sea benthos in Mediterranean mud volcanoes.
A. Fiala-Médioni

General trends and needs
- Research needs on biodiversity of deep-sea ecosystems.
P.V.R. Snelgrove

- Long-term change in deep-sea environments: examples from the Atlantic Ocean.
D. Billett

III - Bibliographic references

IV - List of participants