CIESM Workshop Monographs, n°27

Strategies for understanding mesoscale processes

To be cited as: CIESM 2005. Strategies for understanding mesoscale processes. CIESM Workshop Monograph n°27, [F. Briand, ed.], 132 p., CIESM Publisher, Monaco.

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I - Executive summary
1 – Introduction
2 – Time scales, length scales and biological impact
3 – Observing technologies and methods
      3.1. – Remote sensing
             3.1.1. – Data types
             3.1.2. – Remote sensing products for end-users available on the Mediterranean
       3.2. – In situ technologies
             3.2.1. – Sensors for observation of biogeochemical variability
             3.2.2. – Observational platforms
             3.2.3. – Future directions
       3.3. – Sampling strategies
       3.4. – Modeling support
       3.5. – Information retrieval
4 – Workshop recommendations

II - Workshop communications

- The use of the satellite thermal imagery to track mesoscale features and infer circulation in the Mediterranean.
Isabelle Taupier-Letage and Claude Millot

- Tracking Meddies in the NE Atlantic.
Isabel Ambar and Nuno Serra

- Eddy transport.
John Allen

- Mesoscale variability of the Black Sea circulation as inferred from satellite data and model simulations.
Temel Oguz

- Mesoscale/sub-mesoscale variability of the Alboran Sea and the 3D circulation of Nador Lagoon (Morocco).
Karim Hilmi, A. Orbi, J.I. Lakhdar and M. Chagdali

- Extrapolating baroclinic signals from surface data to deeper layers: application to different datasets.
Bruno Buongiorno Nardelli

- The use of Lagrangian autonomous instruments to sample the mesoscale circulation in the Mediterranean Sea.
Pierre-Marie Poulain

- Merging multiple satellite altimetric missions to monitor the mesoscale circulation in the Mediterranean Sea.
Ananda Pascual, Gilles Larnicol and Pierre-Yves Le Traon

- The Atlantic water mesoscale hydrodynamics in the Levantine Basin.
George Zodiatis, Panos Drakopoulos, Isaac Gertman, Steve Brenner and Daniel Hayes

- Bio-optical Sensors of mesoscale variability on Autonomous Floats and Gliders.
Marlon Lewis and Hervé Claustre

- Satellite chlorophyll as a tracer for upward velocities in the surface ocean.
Javier Ruiz and Gabriel Navarro

- Studies of mesoscale physical-chemical-biological interactions in the Antarctic Circumpolar Current.
Volker Strass

- Strategy to capture the influence of ocean dynamics on pelagic ecosystems.
Louis Prieur, Gabriel Gorsky and Y. Gratton

- Comparing the time scales of physics and biology in mesoscale dynamics.
Maurizio Ribera d’Alcala’, Serena Esposito, Mariella Ragni and Vincenzo Vellucci

Illustrated index

III - Bibliographic references

IV - List of participants