CIESM Workshop
Monographs, n°51
Marine heatwaves in the Mediterranean sea and beyond.
To be cited as:
CIESM 2023. Marine heatwaves in the Mediterranean sea and beyond. CIESM Workshop Monograph n° 51 [F. Briand,
ed.], CIESM Publisher, Paris, Monaco.
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Executive Summary
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I - OVERVIEW ................................................................................................................................. 05
1. Introduction
2. Definitions and methodological implications
3. Genesis of MHWs in the Mediterranean
4. Regional patterns in the Mediterranean – geography, variability, biological impacts
5. Monitoring MHWs
6. Experimental approaches
7. Warnings for conservation and ecological restoration
8. Major gaps and recommendations for future research
The physical nature of MHWs
• Seasonality, return periods and intensity of surface marine heatwaves in the Mediterranean Basin.
Matjaz Ličer ...... 27
• The need to adopt process-based or impact-based definitions for marine heatwaves.
Giovanni Liguori ...... 41
• Marine heatwave research: A path forward via the Mediterranean and the Arctic.
Robert W. Schlegel ........ 51
• Marine heatwaves in the Mediterranean Sea: the latest insights from multi-platform
observations. Mélanie Juza, Emma Reyes, Joaquín Tintoré .... 63
• Main features of summer 2023 MHWs and trends in air-sea interactions related to
the long-term evolution of MHWs in the Mediterranean.
Amélie Simon ..... 77
• Marine heatwaves: comparative analysis between low and high latitude regional seas.
in the northern Hemisphere
Bayoumy Mohamed, Aida Alvera-Azcárate ...... 85
• Marine heatwaves over different coastal environments: findings from the NE Mediterranean Sea to south Florida.
Yannis S. Androulidakis, Yannis Krestenitis, Vassiliki Kourafalou, Marios Krestenitis .. 103
• Marine heatwaves characteristics in the Marmara Sea 1982-2021.
Erdal Tokat, Şükrü T. Beşiktepe ... 117
Biological responses
• 24 years tracking mass mortality events and marine heatwaves: when observations overcome the worst scenarios.
Joaquim Garrabou and 20 others ...... 129
• Ocean warming, marine heatwaves and the thermal vulnerability of the increasingly tropicalized Levant coast ecosystems.
Gil Rilov, Erez Yeruham, Simona Noè ..... 141
• Marine heatwaves and benthic communities: Changes in features of the assemblages and alarming consequences on biodiversity in Tunisian waters.
Raouia Ghanem, Jamila Ben Souissi, J.B. Ledoux, Cristina Linares, Joaquim Garrabou ................. 155
• Mining the published record on the biological impacts of marine heatwaves. Niki Chartosia ........ 163
III – Bibliographic References
………………… 187
IV – List of Participants
……………………… 215