CIESM Workshop Series, n°7:

Precautionary approach to local fisheries in the Mediterranean Sea
Kerkenna Island (Tunisia), September 1999,
96 p., 126 refs.

Outcome of a meeting, held in Kerkenna Island, Tunisia, from 23 to 26 September 1999 with the participation of some 18 researchers from twelve countries.
This workshop aimed to discuss the scientific dimensions and applications of the precautionay principle to Mediterranean fisheries. By bringing together experts from the entire periphery of the Basin, it was able to review current practices and trends at the local level and to initiate a broad debate on the definitions of appropriate reference points in the face of uncertainty.

This volume, fully illustrated and rich in references, is available in print from our on-line bookstore.

You may also download extracts of the Executive Summary

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I - Executive summary

II - Workshop communications

1 - Global perspective
- Precautionary approach and Mediterranean fisheries
Jordi Lleonart

- Risk assessment and risk management applied to Mediterranean fisheries
Ross Shotton

- Precaution in fisheries within the context of ecological and environmental changes
Konstantinos I. Stergiou

- Precaution and the conservation of biodiversity and incidentally captured species
Robert O´Boyle

2 - Local perspective
- Les pêcheries méditerranéennes marocaines? Etat d´exploitation et principales mesures d´aménagement
Abdelaziz Zoubi

- Espèces endémiques et espèces atlanto-méditerranéennes des côtes algériennes
Abdelhafid Chalabi

- Diagnostic des stocks exploités en Algérie
Ahmed Bouaziz

- Les iles Kerkennah: un exemple méditerranéen typique de la pêche précautionnelle
Othman Jarboui

- Mentions d'espèces introduites dans les eaux marines tunisiennes
Mohamed Bradai, Amor El Abed, Mohamed Ghorbel, Othman Jarboui et Abderrahman Bouain

- Les pêcheries tunisiennes. Etat d´exploitation des principales espèces benthiques et éléments d´aménagement
Sadok Ben Meriem, Amor El Abed et Houcine Gharbi

- The current status of fisheries in Syria
Adib Saad

- The status of Greek fisheries
C. Papaconstantinou and V. Vassilopoulou

- Marine protected areas as reference points for precautionary fisheries: a case study of trawl reserves in Greek waters
V. Vassilopoulou and C. Papaconstantinou

- Recent changes of Adriatic ichthyofauna: threat or benefit to local fishery
Branko Glamuzina

- Precautionary approaches for the management of demersal fisheries of the Northern Tyrrhenian Sea
Alvaro J. Abella