Appearance: medium-sized seabird with highly contrasted belly and back, fine beak and marked angle with the head.
Distinguishing characteristics: more contrasted than Balearic Shearwater.
Flight: flight beaten and glided, swings sideways, close to the surface.
Sound: silent at sea but colonies are noisy at night, with raucous cackling calls.
Nest: breeds on offshore islands and coastal cliffs and nests in burrows which are only visited at night to avoid predation.
Diet: feeds on small pelagic preys such as anchovy, sardine, sprat and squids; also planktonic crustaceans and discards from fishing ships.
Behaviour at sea: gregarious, can be seen in large numbers from boats or headlands.
Breeding: in the eastern and central Mediterranean, from southern France and eastern Tunisia (France, Italy, Malta, Algeria, Tunisia, Croatia, Albania, and Greece); possibly in Bulgaria and Turkey.
One mixed breeding colony of both Yelkouan and Balearic Shearwaters has been reported on Minorca.
Wintering: migrates mostly to the Eastern Mediterranean (including the N. Adriatic Sea) and to the Black Sea during the post-breeding period whereas some individuals stay relatively close to their breeding areas in the Mediterranean Sea.
Phenology: arrival to the nesting site in early November for birds looking for a mate; later for couples already formed. Laying: between March and May; one egg per year. Incubation: about 50 days. Hatchings: as early as May. Both parents feed the chick until it takes to flight between June-July, 60 to 68 days after hatching.
Global population estimate: 21,000 – 36,000 pairs;
46,000 – 92,000 individuals, but up to 90,000 individuals have been recorded migrating through the Bosporus.
Threats: fishery bycatch, introduced predators (rats, cats), mortality induced by urban lights, hunting and egg-harvesting, marine pollution.
Protection level: Barcelona Convention : Annex II; Bern Convention : Annex II; Birds Directive : Annex I; IUCN Red List: Vulnerable.
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