Body oval-shaped, deep and very compressed. Small head with slightly convex upper profile. Small mouth with brush-like teeth in both jaws. A single dorsal fin with clear incisions between its spines. Posterior part of dorsal fin round. Anal fin round with deep incisions between its spines. Caudal fin round.
color : body yellow with dark thin lines. Two diagonal wide black bars on the head, the anterior running through the eye. Most of the dorsal fin white, its dorsal posterior part as well as caudal and anal fins are black. Posterior margin of caudal fin white/ Pectoral and pelvic fins are yellow.
size : common 10-15 cm (max. 22 cm).
The color pattern of this species differs significantly from all other Mediterranean species.
Live mainly in pairs. Feeds primarily on coral polyps in its native region. Evidently it shifted to other food types in the Mediterranean, possibly hydroids. Eggs and larvae pelagic. The late post-larvae, often called tholichthys, bear large bony plates on the head and anterior part of the body.
habitat : among coral reefs and rocky habitats at depth down to 50 m.