Body deep and very compressed. Small head with pointed snout. Small protractile slightly oblique mouth. Long and narrow tightly packed teeth forming brush-like surface at the anterior of both jaws. Large eye and narrow interorbital distance. A long continuous dorsal fin with clear incisions between its 7th-8th spines. The posterior part of dorsal and anal fins is elongated giving the entire fish a triangular shape. Caudal fin round. Body covered with finely ctenoid scales including on the head and some of the median fins membranes.
color : the anterior part of the head from the dorsal fin origin, behind the eye to pelvic fin origin brownish-orange. Most of the body bluish-grey with narrow chevron-shaped vertical yellow lines. Posterior part of dorsal fin, caudal peduncle and most of the caudal fin are black. Posterior edge of caudal fin light blue to white.
size : common 8-12 cm (max. 15 cm).
The color pattern of this species differs significantly from all other Mediterranean species.
Live mainly in pairs but in areas with poor coral reefs, such as in the Gulf of Suez where it forms aggregations of 40-50 fish. Feeds primary on coral polyps and benthic invertebrates in its native region. Eggs and larvae pelagic. The late post-larvae, often called tholichthys, bear large bony plates on the head and anterior part of the body.
habitat : among coral reefs, rocky and open habitats at depths down to 40 m.