Carapace subquadrate; lateral margins slightly diverging anteriorly, dentate; anterolateral angle prominent. Rostrum small. Inner orbital margin bidentate. Median carina with three rounded teeth and two parallel rows of tubercles. Antepenultimate antennal segment pointed, with external margin deeply cut into two lobes, anterior margin with 5-7 irregular lobes; distal segment with anterior border deeply cut into five lobes. Anterior margin of thoracic sternum with two contiguous rounded lobes, last thoracic sternite bearing median tubercle. Abdominal segments 2-5 medially carinate, carinae on segments 2-4 prominent, keel-like; posterior dorsal margin of first, second segments medially excavate; fifth, sixth segments markedly denticulate, segments 1-4 with transverse submedian fissures. Second abdominal pleuron triangular.
color :
common size :
TL 5.0 cm (max.).
Differs from S. arctus and S. pygmaeus in having abdominal segments 2-4 bearing prominent median keel dorsally; from S. posteli in the thoracic sternum bilobate anterior margin, and in the obtuse tubercle on last thoracic sternite.
Poorly known.
habitat :
30-60 m on sandy and muddy bottoms.