Type of activities
|  | research only |
 | education |
| | policy/planning |
 | envir. monitoring |
| | |
other: technology for environmental applications, conservation & protection |
Main sectors of research
coastal ecology; population genetics & evolution; systematics & taxonomy; living resources [e.g. fisheries, aquaculture]; biotechnology; hydrological processes; water quality & pollution; environmental monitoring [physical: CTD profiles, ADCP; chemical: nutrients and heavy metals in water and sediments]; modelling [2-D and 3-D hydrodynamic and water quality, larval and eggs transport, water column dynamics and phytoplankton models, biogeochemical budget models]
Current major projects
* Habitat management and raptor conservation in the Delta and Nestos River Gorge area (starting date: 1/8/2002; duration: 3 years).
* Association of Physical and Biological processes acting on Recruitment and post Recruitment of Anchovy
(starting date:1/10/2002; duration: 4 years).
* National Fisheries Data Collection Program (starting date: 1/6/2003; duration: 4 years).
* Genetic Catalogue, Biological Reference Collections and Online Database of European Marine Fishes
(starting date:1/1/2003; duration: 3 years).
* Cloning and functional analysis of fish peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors: The transcriptional control of lipid metabolism in farmed fish species (starting date: 01/12/2000; duration: 5 years).
Number of local permanent staff
scientists :
others :
Indoor surface area (m2) available for
research :
teaching :
others :
Conference room
| no |
yes (number of seats : 56 ) |
Research vessel(s)
|  | less than 12 m in length; number of vessels : 1 |
| | more than 12 m in length; number of vessels : |
Brief description of vessels and on board scientific equipment :
8,5 m "Alkyoni".
"Alkyoni" is equipped for continuous monitoring, campaigns of chemical-physical parameters of surface waters. It is also equipped as a fishing boat for the catch and transport of live samples. It has fishing winches, hydrographic winch, extending arm, various grabs, nets, boxcorers, dredges, multiple corers, CTD, plankton sampling and scuba diving equipment.
Other major research facilities and equipment
Fisheries research: Stereoscopes, Microscopes, Image analysis for otolith reading, Histology tissue processing, cutting and polishing equipment, cryotom.
Fish processing: VIS spectral photometer, high performance liquid chromatography with UV-fluorescence-Diode Away-Detection, gas chromatography with FID and ECD Detectors. Atomic absorption spectrometer with GF, FIAS, flame. Ad. Calorimeter, Soxlett, Kihldahe-Automatic apparatus, aw-meter, TOC-meter, Liquid scintillation counter, Lyophilisator, pH meter, O2 meter conductivity meter, salinometer.
Biotechnology: Thermocylers (PCR), centrifuges (floor and table top), nucleic acid and protein electrophoresis apparatus, nucleic acid hybridisation oven, UV oven, incubators, scintillation counter, spectrophotometer, table-top dark room with CCD camera and software for picture storage and analysis microprocessor controller, microplate reader (photometer ELISA).
Fisheries oceanography: Geographical Information System, three CTD's, current-meters, Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP), portable meteorological institutes, tide gauges, automated recording systems.
Marine ecology: Geographical Information System, pH meter portable and data logers, oxygen meters, conductivity meters, photometers (water analyses systems with photometers), temperature controlled room for seaweed cultivation, apparatus for photosynthetic measurements in laboratory, underwater measurements of Photocynthetic Active Radiation (RAR), nutrients analysis, CHN analysis, Image analysis, Oxygen measurements, Stereomicroscope and photomicrography system, dry oven, fluorometer, heating bath, bottom benthic samplers (Van Veen dredges), tide-meter, current-meter.
Plus aquaculture facilities.
Ecosystem types available nearby
Almost all typical Mediterranean marine habitats (coastal zones, lagoons, rivers, lakes, wetlands)
Areas of taxonomic expertise
cephalopods, crustaceans, fish & invertebrates taxonomy, ichthyoplankton, molluscs, phytobenthos, zoobenthos
Specimen collections
| yes |
no |
Brief description :
fish, invertebrate and zooplankton collections
Hosting facilities for visiting scientists
| yes |
no |
in the guest house of the Institute
Training courses
| yes |
no |
Summer schools, field courses, workshops.
* The Institute organize summer schools for under and post graduated students in co-operation with Greek Universities and European Research Institutes.
Capacity and brief description of library
235 books, 5000 reprints and 34 journals, 376 m2 building.
Type of research institution
|  | governmental, national |
| governmental, local |
| | international |
| academic |
| | private |
| other: |
CIESM Guide of Marine Research Institutes